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He managed to pinch a smile back at them whiles they laughed to their heart content, " looks like that inferior little human was somehow able to shake your worlds huh! I should give her credit, for managing to win you all as enemies in such a short span of time, don't you think so, Fabian! .. This is enough reason for me to keep her alive, don't worry, you will never see her anywhere outside Valloany ever again!"   

Nathan's breaking news stirred a mix reaction from them, they feared he had something up his sleeves, " and what's that supposed to mean, if I may ask? " Fabian probed when Nathan used up all his courage to make a bold declaration, " I'll take up the punishment, after all she belongs to Valloany, I'll make myself available when you need me !"

"what has she done to you, Nathan! Your style has completely changed, it's good though, because we will wait for your dissipation, ruler of two kingdoms, all rules apply to you too, Nathan!" after Fabian's statement he walked out with Lloyd who was now worried for his king.

" I said to do something , not to wish for death! You could have bargained for a less costly punishment!" He elaborated when Nathan went wild, " do you even realize what is going on huh? you think this is all about Pearl? they want to see me on my knees just as you suggested, all these are just to shade me and Valloany, but I won't let them get what they want!"  He explained.

" I'm sending Pearl back to her world, enough is enough now! Seems when I was lenient with her she took it for granted, what's the point when I'm only wasting her time, this is the limit, Lloyd! I have sacrificed too much for nothing!" he communicated and Lloyd did not object.

they horsed back to the kingdom to address her issue, at the same time Sandra rushed to the throne room and hugged her, she still didn't let a tear drop, she stood in a daze " Pearl! talk to me! there's really nothing I can do to help you now if you don't speak up ! Let him know you didn't do any of that, he won't trust my words from here on if I interfere!" Sandra persuaded but Pearl stood in a daze unwilling to say a word .

when his presence could be felt she whispered a word to Sandra, " don't say a word then, don't try to defend me and, do not confront Ariana ! if it pleases the king that I live, then we shall talk!" Sandra smiled through her tears after hearing her address him with respect, she patted her shoulder and excused herself.

Nathan entered and Pearl kept her face down, he mounted the throne and kept his gaze on her without saying a word, he reminisced back to the time Jemilla presented her memories to him, how his interest in her was built , to the time he visited her world , all that happened between them and to where they are now, his irises thinned out crimson as he planned to lock those memories and periods away.

over thirty minutes and he hadn't say a word, neither did Pearl raise her head to look at him , even though she felt his eyes burning her skin, the atmosphere started running dim outside and everyone could feel it, the change that lightened up that which they were used to, lost its hold, Nathan had given in to his old self once again, Sandra lost all hope and wept in Lloyd's arms.

 " do something about this please, don't let their future be like this, remember she is your chosen one, that's what you said to me, creator! Please do something"  suddenly, the small voice came to her again in response. 

"  bring back a son to life, for a father, and save a kingdom for a broken king, she shall be called Henry, home leader for the given, who lords over all, there will always be a time to reap, for when have I spoken and not done, so long as I live, no word I have said, will ever fall to the curves!".

Lloyd was left in confusion when she suddenly wiped her tears, she got her stuffs together and said to him " wait here for me, I have to take care of something, she stepped out and sped off to Gary's house. Under Nathan's earlier instructions, a curfew was placed on all the citizens, with the nights spread about to enforce that and who ever fails to adhere wins him or herself a punishment.

over an hour and he still had not say a word to her, the glow and joy had left his eyes , his first word was a summon with Sandra's name on it, it took a while before she made it back. she took a knee in front of him and requested a pardon, he rose from the throne and walked towards them , Pearl followed his foot pattern until he halted in the center of a pattern carved in the middle of the throne room. " rise to your feet and walk towards me, ... Pearl!" she shot her eyes up at him when he took her name, but didn't like what she saw.

he felt different to her, but she didn't know where it was stemming from, she slowly got herself up and limped a little as she walked towards him, she hesitated a little before stepping into the pattern with him. Pearl kept her gaze on his cold face, as Sandra chanted a spell and the carved symbol began glowing, she could identify the phoenix symbol as it whirled around them.

"what are you doing, Nathan!" she probed before he took up his form, her clothes melted away while she glowed too, she felt a stir in her soul and his seal pulsating at the portion he bit during that time, she moaned to the pain, before Sandra offered him a dagger which appeared unique in her eyes, " please tell me, what this is about?" she probed again and this time, Nathan pierced her on that portion with the dagger.

" I'm setting you free, Pearl! that's all you ever wanted, I'm fulfilling that desire for you today!" her tears began flowing down her cheeks, for the first time after the incident, he retrieved it and stabbed himself on the shoulder, " I'm sorry, Nathan!" she whispered to him, while he resisted the pain until Pearl felt a sudden dizziness , she fell to her feet and the glow left her system

The king covered her nakedness with his royal cape and Sandra helped her up, but she sat on her legs, just gazing at him while he sat on his throne unperturbed, " get yourself together in the next thirty minutes, Sandra! get her new clothes and help her transcend .... if  I ever sense a scent of you still here in my kingdom, I won't hesitate to take your life, Pearl! and yours as well Sandra! so do a good job!"

He rose to leave when she blurted his name,  he looked over at her, but her tears meant nothing anymore, " do you have anything to say huh?" she hesitated a while, "never keep your face down, you have done nothing wrong, not against me or anyone else , so until you plan to give up let nothing force you to , .. I hope you take care, your majesty!" She said and wept after he had left.

FATE #3 *(A ROSE IN BLOOM)*Место, где живут истории. Откройте их для себя