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All my life, I've been told we were born without hearts, to regulate our emotions, that the great boundary between us and human is that one thing, but today, I figured that is a great lie, that myth was only edified to keep us strong and possess our monstrous personalities as we were born with, to view ourselves as the highest and untouchable.

But today, just listening to Pearl spew those arrows at me, I figured all we need to see that in our chest, is the right person to activate it, we are not heartless, it's just dormant and we've never thought of how to make it come alive.

Because, as much as it completes our being , it's also the gateway to weakness, it's the very shackle that tame us to the ground, I see her pain standing in between us, and understands her plight, her fear for her people and, her desire for a more extraordinary love now .

Sitting on the throne felt uncomfortable at this point,

"I am heartless, true! in fact we all are, I'm a narcissist , I couldn't agree more but I know when to stop and reason, Pearl! I halted every production because of you, I got the seals locked away just so nobody could find their way there, what prevented you from talking this out with me? You just make your conclusions and act upon them!  To have a heart and act naive like that, I'd rather live with none ,stop playing the victim all the time, I'll not watch you silently next time, Pearl, you've got to grow up anyhow you possibly can!"

He rebuked and walked away!.


Nathan kept busy getting the factory re-established and they hardly met eye, Sandra also rebuked her so harshly, like a mother would a daughter.

A week on she visited Gary and found Henry severely ill and unable to heal, she tried her best to save him, but through a vision, she saw him and his twin together having a tied fate, their bond was such that, one didn't have to die without the other , she invited Sandra to do something before the worst happened.

She came and only had a talk with the boy, the boy only had a wish which he wanted his father to grant him, a reconciliation with his first son which he did.
Subsequently, his elder brother kept coming around to check up on them, until he gave up the ghost, just like the queen, he didn't dissipate.

To prevent people from talking about his failure to save him, and what might have resulted to his death he burnt the corpse on his own and beseeched no one lets the news out.

Throughout the process Pearl was with him, but at the same hour , Ariana had taken up Pearl's form and was causing havoc, through a vision, she saw Ariana releasing deadly concoction into the reservoirs of two of the kingdoms, ones that turns everyone who drank from it, a Living dead (Zombies) , they crawled to the city to harm as many as they could.

And she didn't spare her own kingdom either, she employed a strong black magic to turn their rivers blood. When Pearl saw the great evil being done in her name, she left the Venue and horsed to the city , the news had spread everywhere, meaning her vision was not just any vision, it was something happening in that moment of time.

She traced Ariana until she caught up with her, " ARIANA!" Immediately she yelled out her name, Ariana's appearance reverted to her original self , unbeknownst to Pearl, it was a trap set for her.

" Welcome, Pearl! Unfortunately, you missed the fun part, but it's good because I already finished it for you! Yours is to wear the crown, your majesty! .. of death , this time not even Nathan can save your head ! Takei! Now!" , The new sorcerer of  South Akilis, responded to that call,  Ariana was manipulating the zombies.

They all turned towards Pearl, whiles she fought them for her life Nathan and the realm rulers were heading there also .

He was  flaming with anger and what his eyes fell on pulled the rug covering the little  patience he had left.

Pearl was sealing them with her blood in other to have their will in her hands, but that act seemed odd to them all, Nathan thought that was her way of keeping them alive.

He yelled a windstorm, which prompted her of their presence, Ariana appeared out of nowhere and began slaying them together with everyone else .

The Knights that came along, pushed down the reservoirs whiles Sandra healed the rivers in Valloany, Fabian slapped her across the face and she fell to the ground, this time Nathan didn't interfere.

Pearl realized the depth of  what has been done against her, she knew no amount of words could overturn this, but one thing she also figured out was, the bone behind Ariana and their possible plot against Nathan.

Fabian hoisted her up with telekinesis and slammed her to the ground , she stayed silent, enduring the pain, Nathan watched and squeezed a fist.

Pearl hesitantly shot her eyes to meet his blazing ones, " your highness please do .!" Lloyd beckoned Nathan but he silenced him before he could complete his plea.

He took a step back, " it's obvious she deserves what's coming to her , brother! What do you want him to do? She's an error anyways!"

Fabian hadn't plan to show mercy as he hoisted her again , Nathan's stoic was leaking so he clenched his jaws , while still locking eyes with her, he only shut his eyes when he slammed her unto the ground again.

" That's enough Fabian!" Nathan broke his silence, " she belongs ... to Valloany!" Pearl regurgitated blood and was bleeding from her ears and lips also , she struggled to sit on her legs ,and gazed at Ariana, who wore a smug grin , feeling victorious.

Fabian walked towards him, patted him aggressively on his shoulder and laugh, " make sure to do the needful then , king of two kingdoms! We meet to decide her fate " He mocked and left to their headquarters rejoicing with the rest.

Under Nathan's command, the generals he came with wrapped their shackles around her and dragged her to the kingdom, she limped all the way . They took her to the throne room where she was lowered on her knees waiting for her sentence.

Nathan and Lloyd headed to the meeting and Dubey wined after the information got to him.
Fabian passed his sentence when Nathan failed to defend her this time, " I warned you, Nathan! for the first time you are humbled by something! Quite fascinating!" He laughed .

" Now hear my judgement for your little human, Nathan! As per the agreement from all members of this honorable board , except you of course, she is to be bound to the spires built by your late father, the former chair to this board, to serve the capital punishment to all offenders like her at the mercy of the thunder god, twenty strikes per hour for five hours!" His statement sent a chill down Nathan's spine whereas Lloyd beseeched he does something about it.

"and in case she survives, which I doubt, no trace of her should be found outside the boarders of Valloany, it is like you said , she belongs to Valloany!" they mocked causing him to squeeze a fist to a crack.  

FATE #3 *(A ROSE IN BLOOM)*Nơi câu chuyện tồn tại. Hãy khám phá bây giờ