An Awaiting Adventure..

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(I'm not sure if I'm glad or disappointed that they didn't add Johnathan in the meme too) 




Inside Coran Office..

"I've already dated the map. It's almost 3,000 years old and if you look at the Hieratic just here. .. it's Hamunaptra" Pidge happily admitted as she stood at the end of Coran desk, watching the older man look over the map. 

"Dear god, don't be ridiculous" Coran huffed out in disapproval as he lifted his gaze from the map towards her, uncaring for Lance who was pacing about in front of his desk. 

"Bu-" Pidge was about to argue back only be sliced when Coran spoke over her, wishing to stop her before she even tried picking a fight over this matter.

"We're scholars, not treasure hunters" Coran simply reminded her, a tired look on his face as he looked to her disappointed face before he returned to looking over the map once more. 

"You might not be one but I am an treasure hunter, It's my life work. I can find this place, with Pidgey help and I can make a name for myself while she get's her chance in having her name go down in the history books. You may be nothing but an scholar but not me" Lance spoke up completely serious as he came to a quick halt, staring straight at Coran and showing how important this was and how far he was willing to go. He didn't need Coran approval or help, this was his life work, his daily job and with the  right information he could carry on by himself if need be. 

Coran took a heavy sigh, lacing his finger's together as he stared at the young man before him. Taking in as Lance had fully grown into his tall body, his long limbs no longer weighting him down like when he was a child. His olive skin was still as well taken care off and left without a scar but, his hands held a roughness to them from his years of treasure hunting. His chocolate brown hair, no longer holding it's slight curls and left short, left out of his face and neck completely to stop himself from getting overly hot by it. His ocean blue eyes, still sparkled with joy but his child-like innocence had vanished completely. He stood as a complete young man, ready to make his mark in the world and live his life without having anyone else tell him otherwise.

"You're not wrong, treasure hunting is what you do best. But, I can not give you any help over this matter. The map is clearly an fake. Hamunaptra's a myth told by ancient Arab storytellers to amuse Greek and Roman tourists" Coran calmly argued back, unlacing his fingers and picking up the map, waving it about as if it was obvious for them to see as fake. 

"I know all the blather that the city is protected by the curse of a mummy, but my research leads me to believe that the city may have actually existed" Pidge replied without skipping a beat, an old shine returning to her eyes that made both males freeze up on the spot for a second. Just staring at her before noticing the dullness returning to her eyes once more. 

"Hamunaptra. As in-" Lance started to say, not wanting to let the small shine they appeared in her eyes be lost for good all over again. Letting himself get spoken over as he hoped his plan would work. 

"Yes. The city of the dead. Where the pharaohs presumably hid the wealth of Egypt" Pidge answered without skipping an beat, the shine bubbling back up in her eyes and an old part of herself, her old love for this was seen once more. 

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