He Is the Map..

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(Carries on from the last chapter, I just had to half the chapter into two)

"So .. you had your heart set on Hamunaptra. I don't really care about your past but.. If this wasn't a form of a rescue mission, what would you be after in Hamunaptra?" Shiro awkwardly spoke up, wondering what would have caught her eye if she was going to Hamunaptra for herself not for her brother. 

"I'd be hoping to find a certain artefact. A book, actually. My brother, Lance, thinks there's treasure. What do you think is out there?" Katie answered with an excited smile, a bright shine to her eyes before turning a bit embarrass when she noticed him staring at her with parted lips and quickly asked him over his own thoughts. 

"In a word, evil" Shiro deadpanned, a frown on his lips as he glared at part of his shotgun he was cleaning up with an rag. 

"Evil?" Katie repeated in confusion, tilting her head to the side a little. 

"The Bedouin and the Tuaregs believe that Hamunaptra is cursed" Shiro sighed, passing on the bits he already knew from the place and believing in the curse himself ever so slightly. 

"Oh really! I do love a good curse. Well, I knew most over the rumours linking to Hamunaptra since I'd studied it so much but for you to be interested in this as well .. it's a little bit shocking but pleasant. What's you're favourite rumour over Hamunaptra?" Katie perked up, getting a little excited all over again and thinking they'd found a topic they both be able to enjoy together. 

"I'm not a nerd over Hamunaptra, like you are. I only learnt about it during my soldier days and I'll be happy to leave all those days in the past" Shiro replied with an amused smile, noticing her cheeks turning a bit rosy over his refusals over the bonding topic. A ghosted look staying in his eyes as he thought back to his days in  Hamunaptra. 

"Oh" Katie breathed back, feeling a little guilty over dragging him back to a place that would be filled with nightmares for him.

"But, I do believe in some rumours. And, I know for a fact that Hamunaptra is cursed with something evil in those sands" Shiro added on quickly as he didn't want her pity nor was his past taking over him, he just .. he wanted to make a line in the sand between them over their beliefs in this subject. 

"Maybe, it could be a curse to protect the book I'd like to get my hands on. It's one of the most famous books in history and it should be buried there" Katie commented her own thoughts out loud, picking up a strange object from one of his straps. 

"Book?" Shiro repeated as she leaned forward, taking the sharp point that jointed to an metal hoop knowing she'd hurt herself if she tried working it's use out. 

"The Book of Amun-Ra" Katie revelled with a bright smile, the fire burning in her eyes brighter than he's seen it before. The book clearly held some attachment to her heart to bring this side out of her so openly. 

"The book of Amun-Ra" Shiro repeated with an raised eyebrow as he wasn't expecting that to be her answer out of everything rumoured over Hamunaptra. 

"It contains within it all the secret incantations of the old kingdom. It's what first interested me in Egypt when I was a child. Along with Hamunaptra but my father had told me folktales over it long before. It's thanks to those stories that Hamunaptra was my life pursuit" Katie rambled back a little shyly but a warm smile staying on her lips as she spoke making Shiro gaze linger on her a little longer than the gun he was trying to place bullets in. 

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