Rikki The Love Doctor?

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This chapter is dedicated to XxPheonixShadow11xX your comments inspire me 💜

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Rikki snaps out of her daydream as the bell goes. She has completely forgotten she's in a class to begin with. Who could blame her? It was history, and it didn't help that the woman who was teaching it sounded like a Teradactyl giving birth, making Rikki want to set her on fire for the offensive noise. The only reason she restrained herself was because there were too many witnesses, and too many questions she couldn't be bothered to answer.

Rikki packs up her bag and is about to hightail out of there when the creature stops her.

"Miss Chadwick, a word please?" It calls.

Rikki says a silent prayer for self control as she turns around to face it, a scowl evident on her face.

"Yes ma'am," she feigns politeness.

"Um miss Chadwick, I presume you are aware of the test on Friday?" It says, adjusting its glasses on the bridge of its nose.

"Yes, of course," Rikki flat out lies.

"And you are also aware that this test will count for 10% of your grades this semester?" It says with narrowed eyes.

"I am aware. Why are we having this conversation?" Rikki asks impatiently.

"Well, if you must know, you are by far the worse student I have ever had the misfortune of teaching; you are always tardy, you don't do your homework, and even when you do, you can't get anything above an F. Do you understand what I'm saying miss Chadwick?" It asks arrogantly.

"Oh yeah, and all I'm hearing is that you're a terrible teacher. If you were any better, I'd probably be interested in this class and get at least, I don't know, a D will suffice," Rikki tells the creature already done with the conversation.

"How dare you young lady, do you know you could get a detention for that senseless statement?" It says, eyes wide in disbelief.

"I'm aware, and in all honesty, I don't give a shit. I know I'm not a great student, but have you ever wondered why your class is always so dull? It's because you don't get through to any of us. All you do is yap all through the class, and then, those who actually care enough to pass, go home and read the textbook. Look, I thought history was supposed to be entertaining and the most fun subject to learn, but you have single handedly destroyed it for this generation and as for my test, I know I'm gonna fail, but since you've been so kind as to remind me of it, I will do my utmost to get more than an F," Rikki rants as the teacher's face becomes paler by the second. "Can I go now? Thank you" she concludes leaving the teacher with tears in her eyes.

Rikki knew she had gone a bit overboard, but she couldn't help it. Once she started, she couldn't stop and it felt good to finally get that of her chest. If the teacher was smart, she'd take her advice, and do a better job.

The week had breezed by, and it was suddenly Wednesday. Rikki though didn't think the weekend could come fast enough, as she had already exhausted her tolerance battery. A lot had been happening around school lately, most of which revolved around the incident with Lewis. Lewis hadn't resumed yet because of his health, although he said he felt fine, his parents were still very much skeptical about it, and so he was currently under house arrest with 24 hour care.

As for the ass-hat Zane, he was currently doing community service for the next hundred days, and was suspended from school for a month. Rikki wasn't surprised about the very light punishment meted out to him, after all he was a Bennett, but that didn't stop her from being pissed off about it. If it were up to her, 10 years in prison wouldn't even suffice. Zane needed to be taught a real life lesson, and somehow, she knew she'd be the woman for the job and she was more than ready to school him.

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