8.0🍜 - Empty Prom

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     ―THE PARTY FOR the athletes have began an hour ago.

And up until now you had spent your time in the table all alone (practically).

The ladies chattered complimenting each other in their dresses while you sat still giving off a deadassbitch vibe.

If you were with those friends from middle school, you would've gone out to dance with someone so you wouldn't get left out while your friends dance to their heart's content.

Things are not the same now. You've grown to be independent, how to be skeptical and you've known better rather than to hang out with the wrong people just to avoid being alone, a misfit and to be an outcast.

'Itona's coming' you groaned to yourself.

Yes, he is coming. You're sure of that.

You are in too much thinking that you didn't notice a guy approach you.

"Can I-"

You glared at him, cutting him off of his sentence as quick as you can.


Your firm word made him almost stumble as he tried regaining his posture and went back to his seat, too embarrassed to ask anyone else.

You glanced around, hoping to see Itona but the white haired boy with bandana never appeared in your sight.

With an exasperated sigh, you stood up to fix yourself in the restroom.

If Itona didn't attend tonight, it'll be his lost if he didn't get to see you in a beautiful cerulean dress.

That just sucks.

You hope he arrives soon.

"I'm sorry!" You exclaimed as you hopelessly stumble back, your figure had collided with a taller one.

Your (e/c) orbs trailed over to black haired man infront of you. His bangs covered the upper part of his face.

"I'm sorry. I'm a little lost. Do you know where the Science teachers' table are at?" The unknown man sheepishly rubbed his neck and held his head down in embarrassment.

You recognized him, Ryuunosuke Chiba. From the same school as you. Same class as Itona in middle school.

"Ah yes. They're at farthest from the venue's entrance. From the line of table, just search there where the Science Teachers' table might be." You explained, pointing to where you came from.

"Very well. Thank you, miss." He politely (and also awkwardly) bowed as he trudged away from you.

You sighed in relief once silence enveloped the hallway.


You waited in the venue until the event lasted.

Unfortunately, Itona did not arrive at all.

Well, it's not like you had sent him a message to come or that you'll be waiting for him.

This is just so pathetic of you.

Too prideful to ask.


You trudged outside and walked on the streets, not minding the weird stares you're getting from passerby's.

Who would walk aimlessly at the street with an expensive party dress on?

You look like you just came out of one those fashion shows.

You look incredibly stupid.

Once you got tired of walking, you sat down and waited for a moment.

"(L/n)-san?" Your eyes flew up to a concerned blonde infront of you.

"Ahh... Muramatsu-kun." You greeted and waved at him with a smile.

He looked at you worriedly and hesitantly wiped the salty liquid that had stream over your cheeks.

You had thanked god that you used a water-proof make up instead of the normal ones.

"What happened?" He asked, kneeling infront of you.

Your lips formed into a thin firm line as you look down in shame. It so weird having him infront of you right now considering his friend, his and Itona's, told you off.

'But I'm not leading anyone on' you thought.

You couldn't bring yourself to speak so you waited in silence 'til Muramatsu speak again.

"I haven't seen you in awhile. Let me walk you home, it's quite late already." He offered, a hand out for you.

You thought for a moment before silently accepting the offer. Muramatsu smiled a goofy grin and let you lead the way.

The way there, Muramatsu started a one-sided conversation as he blabber about random things you're not even listening to. All you could hear is your heart beating, and the way how it clenched painfully at the memory of Itona not coming to the party like the prince charming you pray for him to be.

But what surprised you is to see Itona waiting outside your place, leaning against the wall, one hand stuffed in his pocket while the other one grasping his phone tightly as his eyebrows furrowed, lips thinned into a firm line as his face express a great worry.

"Itona?" You and Muramatsu asked at the same time, the white-haired boy turning his gaze to you.

With eyebrows nearly meeting, Itona pushed himself off of the wall, harshly shoving the phone in his pocket.

"Where have you been? You worried the shit out of me."



A cliff hanger for y'all.

I've been practicing how to make a better cliffhanger, I hope this is a decent one smh.

❛𝐃𝐮𝐥𝐜𝐞𝐭 𝐊𝐢𝐬𝐬❜ - I.Horibe versionWhere stories live. Discover now