22.0🍜 - Tell Me

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         ──YOU WOKE UP with a sharp pain on your lower back and temples and your arm underneath you felt cold against the polished tiles.

What had happened?

In your three years relationship with Itona, just like with other couples, you also spent time fighting, reflecting on your actions and making up.

And just like yesterday night, you fought again. He left your shared apartment with a heavy heart, pounding ears and burning cheeks.

After you had slapped him across the cheeks he snapped and grabbed your arms telling you to get off of his back and then left after that.

You sat on the cold hard floor while thinking on what happened. Is it because you are too pushy on a subject he obviously didn't want?

Your eyes are still stinging, red and puffy from crying so much last night. The only conclusion you have in mind is: you must've passed out from exhaustion and stress.

Spending a few more minutes on the floor before fully getting up and heading towards the bathroom.

You couldn't really blame Itona for getting mad and you it's also not really your fault for snapping at him. This has been an issue between the two of you since highschool.

It's about his mysterious phone calls and messages he deleted. He constantly leaves the house and you also continue receiving pictures of him in a different outfit in a fancy place.

Of course, these kind of things rose up suspicions that he might be cheating on you. But you know Itona, he can never do such thing to you.

"(Y/n), are you home? " you heard the front door open along with heavy footsteps as you dry your hair in your shared-bedroom.

You kept quiet, refusing to respond and talk to him.

Whilst you've said that you couldn't fully blame him, the pain and bitterness of last night left an ugly sensation on your tongue.

The bed behind you dip as weight leaned against your upper back.

"(Y/n)." he whispered, fingers caressing your forearms. "Are you mad? "

Again you kept quiet.

"Do you seriously plan on giving me the cold shoulder? "


You heard a tired sigh left him as the bed creaked and footsteps arose from the thick silence.

He knelt down before you, hands keeping a firm yet gentle grasp on your arms. "Talk to me... Please. "

The guilt is now gnawing at your heart as you tried your best to ignore him still, refusing to give in.

"Please, (Y/n). You gotta talk to me so we can solve this, alright?" he begged, you were surprised by the amount of effort and how he's willing to swallow his pride for you.

You closed your eyes and felt the corner of them get wet because of the tears that are attempting to break free.

Itona sat down on the floor, staring at the wood laminated tiles beneath him. You held in your sobs, not wanting to show weakness and remain tough infront of him.

The two of you sat there for hours in silence until your stomach growled. Instead of making a nasty remark that he usually does, Itona stood up and dusted his clothes.

"I'll go out to buy some foods."


(A/n): I know this chapter is basically a crap but I noticed I haven't posted an update and the last time I wrote in this chapter was around the second week of July and left this on 156 words. I lost all motivation to write at all since the start of July and I'm thankful I finished writting chapters in between breaks in the last school year. I'm getting back to track!❣️

❛𝐃𝐮𝐥𝐜𝐞𝐭 𝐊𝐢𝐬𝐬❜ - I.Horibe versionWhere stories live. Discover now