15.0🍜 - Tentacles

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    — YOUR TWO DAYS vacation in Okinawa ended in a blur and before you knew it you already made it home.

The vacation didn't do much and even your parents could tell but you're still thankful to them, they did their best to distract you. They're great and you love them.

You sighed tiredly after closing the door behind you, today you decided to check in Itona's apartment to clean up. "Welcome back?" a voice unsurely greeted.

There sat in the couch, a topless Itona with smoking cup of noddles on the coffee table. He's patched up like he's been beaten up.

"Hey..." you blankly greeted. "Itona?"

He nodded at you. It took a few minutes for you to register what happened and you ran up to him and hugged his semi-sculpted torso.

"You're back." you cried onto his chest. Your own heaving up and down as you sob onto him.

A forlorn smile formed upon Itona's lips as he watches you cry your heart out to him. He knew you were waiting for him, you promised him if you can't go wherever he goes, you'll wait for him. And he's delighted to know that you keep your words.

He's merry, jovial, happy, elated, glad, joyful, ecstatic. He knew he's not lonely anymore and you just proved that point more.

"Itona..." you continue to cry, looking up to him. This idiot made you worried. How could he? You wouldn't know what to do if you lose him.

He sighed contently before petting your head. "You'll get uglier if you cry more like this."

"I'm not ugly, you idiot." you sobbed, slightly hitting his chest.

Itona chuckled at your reaction, you could feel the vibration of that small laugh and it sent you at ease to know he's all fine now. Back here in your arms.

"I know." He answered back straightforwardly.

It made a chuckle escape pass your lips while you snuggled into him further. He carassed your back gently soothing you down.

You pulled away from him and smiled, "Where'd you go? "

"An abandoned place in Kanagawa." Itona replied before he extended his hand out to reach one cup of noodles.

You couldn't help but laugh at his answer.
"You act like you weren't scared while you're back there. How'd the police found you? "

"Because I'm not. And they didn't." you stared at him in wonder. He couldn't have possibly escaped the place where he's imprisoned all by himself.

"So, what'd you do? Did you-"

Before you could finish your sentence, you were rudely interrupted by someone knocking on the door.

You and Itona looked at each, your hands on his chest while his are on your back. Your legs were on either sides of his thighs, yourself situated on top of him, on his couch.

"I'll get it." you smiled at him and he nodded with a slight smile. You pecked his lips before you stood up and sauntered towards his front door.

You slightly opened the door and peaked from the space to see the rest of the Terasaka gang standing infront of you.

"Oh, hey you guys. Come in." you warmly invited them with a smile which took them aback. "Itona's back."

The news made them smile while Terasaka tried to hide his relieved expression and insulted Itona to cover himself.

"Nice then, let me see him!" Yoshida walked pass you and happily entered the room.

Soon silence followed which confused you.

"What's wrong, you dumb-" Even after Terasaka entered the room he went silent too.

"Itona, why you? That bandana... why are you wearing that?" Yoshida stammered while stumbling to get closer to Itona.

Itona rose his feet from the floor and press it against Yoshida's face before the poor and concerned friend reach him fully.

The rest entered and started questioning Itona which annoyed him.

"What's wrong with that bandana? It looks good on him." you asked while tilting your head.

They all look back to you while Terasaka and Hazama covered Muramatsu and Yoshida's mouth before they expose Itona's secret.

"Tentacles." However, Itona ruined their plan and confessed.

'What tentacles?' you stood there and sent him a look urging him to say more.

Itona pulled the bandana down onto his neck and sat up straight.

Your mouth was left ajar as white tentacles sprung out of his hair, waving in the air violently.

(a/n): hi! I hope you like this chapter. I tried to make rest of the chapter better after leaving it on 200 words three days ago, HAHAHAH.

I was having writers' block and I couldn't come up with anything.

❛𝐃𝐮𝐥𝐜𝐞𝐭 𝐊𝐢𝐬𝐬❜ - I.Horibe versionWhere stories live. Discover now