🖤💖Bad Habit- Jake

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Request by: boy_band_lover

Being an idol can get incredibly stressful, the pressure of getting everything perfect in a dance, looking you're absolute best for cameras, making sure you don't slip up and accidentally say something that could get you in a scandal, it can be a lot.

People have many ways of coping with stress, some write in a journal, some go on a long walk in the middle of the night, some listen to music to clear their head, not jake.

Jake had an unhealthy way of dealing with his stress.

The boys were all sitting in a conference room waiting for their manager to enter. They had been called in for a performance review and short meeting about the schedule for their next comeback. They all sat patiently quietly chatting with each other until the man came into the room and took a seat at the end of the table.

Just seeing the man's stoic expression made jake's anxiety flare up. he crossed his legs in his chair and subconsciously raised his thumb to his mouth, nibbling on his thumbnail as he looked at the man.

Now, this may seem normal, tons of people do this but jake's problem is, once he starts, he can't stop.

He watched the man evaluate Heeseung, Jay, and Sunghoon before it was his turn. When his name was called he snapped out of his anxious trance and looked at the man taking his thumb away from his mouth feeling pain in the tip of his thumb.

He glanced down and held in a gasp as he saw his thumbnail was chewed down halfway to his cuticles, blood slowly seeping out of the tender flesh.

He quickly hid his hand and walked over to the manager for his evaluation.

"jake, let's get straight to the point okay?"

Jake nodded nervously.

"so, over the last year I've noticed that your singing has gotten much better, so I am very happy to see that improvement."

Jake smiled.

"however, while your singing has improved, your dancing and overall performance energy is lacking. I suggest you work on choreography during your free time and make sure you nail the dance. As for your lack of energy on stage, try looking at yourself in the mirror, focus on facial expressions and expressiveness in body language."

Jake nodded feeling anxious.

"I want you to show me some improvement by our next check-in, which is in 2 weeks."

"yes sir, I'm sorry, and thank you." He bowed.

The man sent him out and he got back in his seat, his hands trembling slightly.

He looked down at his thumb and winced but that didn't stop him from raising his other thumb and doing the same to it.

By the time the meeting was over, six of jake's fingers were harshly bitten and bleeding. He shoved his hands in his pockets as they left the room and went back to the dorms.

Once they got home, jake excused himself to the bathroom.

ni-ki suddenly went over to Heeseung and tapped his arm.

"what's up riki?"

"hyung, I think jake is upset about his evaluation." He said softly.

"why do you say that?"

"well, he looked upset during the meeting, and I saw him biting his thumbnail before and after his personal meeting."

"I saw it too. His hands got shaky like they do when he's anxious." Sunghoon chimed in as he hung his coat on the coat rack.

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