🩹💖Injured - Sunghoon

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Request by: Lily__Rose

"Yah when is practice gonna be over? My legs are killing me hyunggggg." Ni-ki whined loudly at the leader.

Jungwon chuckled at ni-ki's dramatics.

"relax ni-ki, we'll be done in fifteen okay?" jungwon smiled.

Ni-ki lit up hearing that.

"okay hyung!"

The older members laughed at the maknae before turning back to do their final run through.

Once they finished the dance they shut off the music and began packing up their belongings.

"hey hoonie, do you wanna start that drama we were talking about tonight?" jake asked sunghoon as he wiped his sweat with a towel.

Sunghoon made an apologetic face.

"ah sorry jake, I'm going to the rink, today is the only day I can skate."

Jake nodded smiling.

"okay hoonie I understand."

"I promise we'll watch It soon okay? Pinkie swear." Sunghoon said sticking his pinky out.

Jake giggled before interlocking their pinkies and pressing their thumbs together.

"you promised." Jake said pointing at sunghoon.

"if I break this promise you can punish me okay? I'll do anything you want."

Jake thought with a devilish smirk.

"okay, if you break your promise you have to do all my house chores for two months AND buy me food whenever I ask for two weeks."

Sunghoon groaned at the thought of doing all those tasks for jake.

"I won't break the promise."

Jake laughed playfully hitting sunghoon's back.

"hey sunghoon?" heeseung said as they were leaving the room.

"yeah hyung?"

"did you say you were going to the rink?"

"yeah, today's the only day I can skate privately, they have other reservations all month."

"don't you think you should rest after practice though? We ran through a lot you must be tired."

"I'm fine hyung, besides I haven't been able to skate for over five weeks hyung, I need to get on the ice while I have the chance."

Heeseung knew how special skating was to sunghoon and the last thing he waned was to take that away from the boy, but he was worried. Sunghoon had worked hard that morning, his muscles must be aching.

"okay hoon, just promise me you'll be careful and not do anything too strenuous okay?"

"okay hyung, I won't be long, three hours tops."

Heeseung smiled patting his shoulder.

"okay, go ahead, be back for dinner."

Sunghoon smiled and nodded.

"thanks hyung." He said before he rushed out of the practice room and to his room to change.

He grabbed his skates and rushed out the door to the skating rink in town.

He arrived and met with the woman at the front desk.

"good afternoon sunghoon-ah, how long will you be skating today?" she smiled.

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