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I woke up so early this morning possibly a little too early. I looked to my alarm clock and on it said 5:00am. As soon as I seen those numbers I wanted to go back to sleep. I groaned as I rolled around on my bed not wanting to wake up then I remembered it was the day that me and Liz would be on a flight to the UK! Once I realize, I was immediately up so I could double, triple, and quadruple check all of my luggage, making sure that everything I wanted to bring was there. After finally agreeing with myself that it was okay I went down to the kitchen to see if my parents were awake.

As I walked down the stairs to the kitchen there was no one. I kind of figured that I would be the first up so I made myself a small bowl of cereal. Might as well wake myself up and get myself energized. As I sat at the kitchen island eating I heard a ping. It was from my phone, I reached into my pocket and seen it was Liz. She said she was up and extremely ready to go to the UK with me. I smiled at the text. Going on a dream trip with my best friend almost didn't seem real. Of course my parents are coming, but they wouldn't be there the majority of the time due to work. So the fact we get to wander around England all by ourselves was amazing.

I respond back to her asking what she was doing. There was no response so I just finished eating my cereal. I just figured that she was busy packing the rest of her things. Once I was done eating I spent some time scrolling through Twitter trying to see what was happening in the Minecraft community. So far the only information I had found was some new content was coming soon.

After getting bored of Twitter I realized it had been about half an hour of waiting for Liz's response. I got concerned. Almost if on que there is a knock on the door and I open it to Liz with a couple of suitcases and a big grin on her face. I let her in and she seemed so energetic for being almost 6:00am.

"Y/N WE ARE GOING TO THE UK TODAY!" Liz said almost screaming.

I ran up to her putting my hand on her mouth, she looked a little confused.

"It is 6:00am my parents are still sleeping be quiet." I said scared they were going to hear us.

Then I removed my hand from her mouth in hopes she would be quieter.

She giggled a bit and said "sorry sorry. I'm just so excited! This is a dream come true!"

I smile at her excitement. I had to admit I was just as excited. Seeing the attractions, eating the food, and doing some of the things our favorite streamers had done excited me.

"Hey do you want cereal? I just ate some and didn't know if you were hungry." I said curious as it was early.

"Sure! I want to keep up the energy for when we arrive!" Liz said going to sit at the stools in front of the island.

I went behind the island grabbing her a bowl pouring in the cereal then milk and sliding the bowl to her. She grabbed her spoon and immediately dug in. I laughed a little at her urgency to finish the bowl, but didn't want her to choke so I let her eat in peace. Once she finally got a breath to speak to me it seemed so frantic.

"Y/n guess what!" She said with a little teasing in her voice.

I knew where this was going so I entertained her with "what?"

She quietly screamed "We are going to the UK today!"

I roll my eyes and take the finished cereal bowl from in front of her and clean it in the sink. When I turn around Liz has her phone out on I assume Twitter doing the same thing I was doing earlier. Her face then contorted to a shocked, but excited face.

"Y/n... oh my god..." she said in disbelief.

I quirked my eyebrows and asked "what's up? Twitter drama?"

She shook her head some and flipped her phone around to show me. I read the tweet and it said that Ranboo would be in the UK for the next 3 months. My eyes widened at the tweet and I looked over to Liz in excitement.

"Oh my gosh Liz that's so cool!" I said stoked.

She put a big grin on her face and said "Now we get to meet all of bench trio yayyyyy!"

I looked to her in confusion and said "How are we going to meet them? They are literally famous and probably very busy. Plus the UK is so big."

She rolled her eyes " Y/n I will find these boys and get a picture with them."

I walked over to pat Liz on the head "Alright miss, we just hope you fit in the frame."

She looked at me shocked, but still with a smile on her face "you're such an ass."

"I know!" I said with a smile on my face.

We both ended up going back on our phones after that. Seeing updates from content creators, liking fan art, and showing each other memes. When we were finished with laughing extremely hard at Quackitys "I'm recording you" Karen arc I checked the time. It said that it was now 9:00am and it should be around the time my wonderful parents decide that it is time to wake up. I must have manifested that as they both walked down the stairs looking sleep deprived as ever.

"Good morning mom and dad!" I said cheerful.

Liz also joined in "Good morning Mr. and Mrs. L/n!"

They both turned to us with small waves and good mornings as they walked into the kitchen where we were sitting. My mom came over to me giving me a kiss on the head and doing the same to Liz. My dad on the other hand made a b-line towards the coffee machine. That man was a coffee addict and no one could convince me otherwise. After both of my parents got their fix of early morning drink their attention was fully on us.

My dad perked up "Who's ready for a long flight to the UK today?!"

Liz immediately started screaming even though it was still early "ME ME ME!"

Everyone chuckled and I put my hand on her shoulder "No need to yell it's still early Liz."

She giggled embarrassed and said "sorry"

My mom grabbed her empty coffee mug along with my dads and put them in the sink. Once she was done with that my dad grabbed the paper off of the table and began reading. So me and Liz took that as a que to begin scrolling on our phones again. It didn't last long as my mom took a look at the clock on the wall.

She looked a little shocked and said "I think it's time to get ready and go everyone!"

Liz and I both looked up to each other and grinned. Her and I sprinted up to my room to grab all of my things as Liz already had her stuff ready by the door. Once we returned back downstairs my mom and dad stood there by the door luggage in hand ready for the airport. With that we were all on our journey to the UK!

I (Dont) Hate You (TommyInnitxreader)Where stories live. Discover now