Theme Park

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Neither Liz or I wanted to get up this morning. The only reason that we did though was due to my parents calling for us to join them in the kitchen. When we did I was a little confused why they hadn't left for work already. Instead of being at work they had a big breakfast laid out for us on the kitchen counter. I looked to them with confusion written on my face.

"Um what is all of this for? Also why are you guys not going to work today?" I said as my eyebrows showed concern.

"We got the day off today so me and your father decided that we would all go to a theme park today!" my mom said excited.

My eyes widened at what she had just said and the first person that I turned to was Liz. She looked back to me with the same expression and began to jump up and down squealing. I started to laugh at her excitement and then she posed a question.

"Mrs. and Mr. L/n what theme park exactly are we going to?" She said inquisitively.

I was a little confused why she would ask this question so I turned to her with a questioning look. She only gave me a hopeful smile which only made me more confused.

"Why does it matter?" I asked Liz.

Before I could get and answer from Liz my mom chimes in with "We are going to Alton Towers!"

At that point I didn't even need a response from Liz. I now knew exactly why she wanted to ask what theme park we were going to. It was the theme park that Tommy had went to for his vlog a while back. I look over to Liz with an unimpressed face. All she does in return though is smile brightly at me. I guess this entire trip is going to be doing exactly what Tommy had done in his vlog.

Instead of dwelling on what dumb ideas Liz had planned for this trip to Alton Towers I grabbed a plate and started serving myself up some breakfast. My parents always knew my favorite because out on the kitchen island laid crepes, hash browns, and eggs. They even managed to find out what Liz's favorite breakfast food was because in front of her stood a massive stack of pancakes. I looked over to Liz to see what she thought of the tower and she looked exactly like how she looked when she seen the room. I walked over to her and whispered in her ear.

I said "They are all yours."

That is what did it in as I began to see her mouth water. I was wheezing at this point when she started to shovel pancakes onto her plate. Then she seen the syrup and it was an absolute mess. I couldn't believe those pancakes were still edible when I seen the amount of syrup that she put on them. When we all got served we sat down chatting about the experiences we had yesterday and possibly other things that we could do the rest of this trip.


Liz and I were finally ready after a couple of hours lounging around on our phones. It had hit around 1pm and my parents were calling us down to head out. As we were out of the door I heard a ping on my phone. I was a little confused because I wasn't expecting any messages and the only person that I would get anything from was standing right next to me. When I turned on my phone screen it was from Ranboo. I smiled a bit and checked the message. It said "Hey Y/n Tubbo, Tommy and I were wondering if you and Liz wanted to hangout today? We would be filming a vlog at some point, but you guys seemed alright and I thought to ask." I was actually surprised that they would ask us to hangout. I know me and Ranboo were friends from the airport, but now that I knew they were famous streamers I didn't expect them to invite us to hangout. I looked over to Liz, showing her my phone, as we all got in the car and my parents drove to Alton Towers. She screamed so loud that my mom almost swerved the car off of the road. I smacked her in the arm out of embarrassment and she giggled.

"sorry" she said embarrassment apparent on her face.

She then looked back to me and said "Would you want to go? Also how long do you think we would be spending at the park?"

All I could do was shrug my shoulders. I of course would like to go hang out with them even though Tommy would be there, but the question Liz asked had made this decision a lot harder. On one hand if we do get back early its my parents day off. I never usually get to spend that much time with them. On the other hand it is literally the bench trio. I spent the next couple of minutes thinking it over and then I respond back to Liz.

"I don't think Ill go. If you want to I can drop you off. I just want you to be safe though. I know you probably trust them, but they still are people we haven't known outside of watching their streams." I said wary.

She looked to me disappointed and then said "I don't want to go then. You make a good point and this is probably the first time your parents have gotten off in a while huh?"

I nod my head "Yeah Im sorry... you probably would have loved to hang out with them, but hey we get to go to Alton Towers today!"

She smiled at me, I messaged Ranboo back and we continued on with the drive. At some point Liz grabbed the aux cord and began playing all of the Derivikat songs base off of the smp. I even told her to add in some of her original works. Then it moved onto a lot of Dreams, Tubbo, and Wilbur/LoveJoys music. We were screaming the lyrics to each and every one of the songs all the way to Alton Towers.

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