Going Home

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It's been crazy these last couple of days. All three boys have been extremely preoccupied with streaming or content in general. It made me a little sad because today was Liz and I's last official day in the UK. I wished that all of us could have spent more time together, but that's how it happens sometimes.

Liz and I sat in our room packing up our bags and chatting about what we would do when we would get home. I could tell that Liz was just as sad that we were leaving as me. I shoved the last stuff in my bag and zipped it up. I looked over to Liz and she had the most disappointed look on her face.

"Hey it's fine. We can always come back next year..." I said trying to make the situation better.

"I know, but it's like you said a couple of days ago Y/n... I don't want to leave... I've literally met so many good friends here and of course we still have each other, but I will miss them." She said zipping up her bag.

"You mean your going to miss Ranboooooo the most right?" I said laughing to myself trying to change the mood.

She smile at me and rolled her eyes "oh shut up. I'm going to miss Tommy and Tubbo too."

I laughed some more and we got up and moved our suitcases over by the door. Our flight was scheduled for 10pm tonight and it was only 11am. We just wanted to have everything ready so my parents didn't have to worry.

Once we rolled our luggage to the door Liz and I looked to each other. We had nothing planned for today and didn't know who all was available. Liz got her phone out of her pocket and checked our group chat if anyone was free. Ranboo and Tubbo said that they were and we didn't get a response out of Tommy. I had just assumed that he was really busy and so we didn't ask.

The rest of us though had all set a time that we would go to the park in London to look around the city one last time before we left. I was excited and so was Liz. This was our last opportunity that we would get to adventure around London. After we got ready we were on our way to the train.

It didn't take us that long to get to London, but I still took a well deserved nap. Once the train had stopped and it was time to get off Liz tapped me on the shoulder and we got up. When we exited the train both Ranboo and Tubbo were there waiting for us.

"Oh hey guys!" Liz said walking up to the two with me in tow.

"You look well Liz, but Y/n on the other hand, you look tired." Ranboo said making up the rest of the gap.

I slumped over a bit to exaggerate my tiredness and said "yes I feel like I'm gonna die."

Everyone laughed at me and we began walking over to the park. Before we could get there Liz and I both agreed that it was a good idea to get something to eat since it was almost lunch. There was a little Starbucks near us and we all made our way there just getting small snacks and drinks. After we received our stuff we walked out to the park and sat down on the grass enjoying the day.


Our day went by pretty good. We walked around London hitting up all the shops. Then we even got out our phones and started a small stream. The only thing that only made it a little disappointing was the entire time everyone was asking where Tommy was. We at least three times had to explain to them that he wasn't going to be here.

When the stream ended after making different challenges and taking dares from chat, we ventured back to the train station. None of us wanted to leave, but nonetheless we were happy that we got to spend the day together. Our train then arrived and Liz and I hugged Tubbo and Ranboo for our last time. I think I was crying a little bit as since I let go of Toby and felt my cheeks they were a little wet.

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