Trial Hangout

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It had been a couple of days since the Alton Towers trip. We had still stayed in contact with the bench trio somewhat and Liz had gone yesterday to hangout with them at the beach. I of course stayed behind at the house because I was still uncomfortable about what happened between me and Tommy. Even though we both decided to settle the bad vibes there was still some awkward tension.

To my surprise though I got a text on my phone from Tommy asking me if  I wanted to hangout today. I of course inferred that he also wanted Ranboo, Tubbo, and Liz to come along so I sent back that I would tell Liz and we would be there. Instead of sending back that it was a plan he said that he wanted to hangout with just me alone. I got a little confused so I questioned it and he said the only way we won't be awkward around each other is if we hangout. I couldn't deny that he was right I just didn't know if I was ready.

Not to disappoint though I told Liz what was going on. She reassured me it would all be alright and I got ready. Tommy told me to take a train to London and we would adventure around there. So I grabbed my wallet and put on my shoes then headed to the train station.

The train ride was nice nothing I couldn't handle. Once I was in London I didn't know where to go. I grabbed my phone from my pocket and when I did I heard someone in front of me yelling. I looked up and there stood the tall blond boy. He smiled at me and waved and I started to walk towards him. It was a little awkward at first and I didn't know how to act so I just waved back when I approached.

"Hey Y/n I'm glad you found your way. How was the train?" He asked.

"It was fine. I got a little bored so I took a nap. Where are we going by the way?" I said.

He looked at me and smiled then said "that's a surprise. Just follow me."

I rolled my eyes at the surprise I was possibly going to receive and followed behind him. It took us a while until we reached what looked like an office building. I turned my head over to Tommy with a confused look on my face. All he did was walk towards the door and so I followed. We went up a couple of flights and then we stopped in front of a door. Still a little confused I looked back over to Tommy. He just knocked on the door and we waited. When it opened a brunette stepped out and I immediately knew who it was.

"Hey Will this is Y/n!" Tommy said quickly stepping into the office pushing past Will.

I just stood there awkwardly staring at Will. I didn't know what to say. Tommy brought me here for god knows what reason and Wilbur was one of the people I looked up to the most on the smp. He smiled at me a bit and let me walk in. It was a small office and there was only a small couch to sit on. Tommy took the seat where I assumed Wilbur was and I sat on the couch. Then as Wilbur sat down next to me Tommy started screaming.


I sat there is shock. Was this bitch really streaming when he asked me to come to London to hang out with him? I sighed and sunk into the couch. Will noticed and started a conversation.

"You okay Y/n? Also I meant to say this before but it's nice to meet you!" He smiled.

"It's nice to meet you as well! For the question I'm alright I guess... that dickhead over there made me get on a train from Brighton to come here so we could hangout together and he's just streaming. I don't even know why he brought me here." I said disappointed in a way.

"That child is an anomaly. I'm sorry you got dragged along...While he does whatever he's doing would you like to come with me and get lunch? It's quite late in the morning and I know I haven't eaten yet." Will said.

I nodded my head "Yeah I didn't get breakfast this morning so I am quite hungry."

We both then stood up heading for the door.

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