Long Distance

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Today is the first official day that Tom and I would be apart until he moved here. He had left just yesterday and I had received a text that he had landed and was on his way home. I on the other hand was sat at my set up contemplating on a decision that may be a little out there.

Ever since Toms first vlog and the mass amount of hate I had received I was skeptical to show my face on the internet again. This past week I had a sudden inspiration to do streaming. Of course I was going to tell little to no one, have a completely different username, and not start off with face cam. To be honest I was just a little curious on what it was like.

So I downloaded obs, created a twitch account, and punched in some other details and pressed go live. In all honesty the only reason I knew how to do this is because I had watched Ranboo do it a couple of times when he streamed. When it started though I didn't know exactly what to play. The best option for me was Minecraft so I signed in and got into a random world.

After an hour or so of just playing and commentating on what I was doing someone joined my stream. I lifted up my hand to wave at my camera and then realized halfway through that I didn't have face cam on.

"Hi new viewer! I literally just did the most embarrassing thing in my life just then. I tried to wave to you and I realized I don't have a face cam." I said putting my hands back on the keyboard to play.

I then looked down to my phone to read the chat and they replied with 'XD woops. I'm enjoying the stream so far though!'. It made me happy to hear that so me and the person in chat continued to do Minecraft challenges until I got a text from Tom. He told me he wanted to face time so I told my new fan I was going to end the stream for today and that I would be back tomorrow.

When I ended stream, I grabbed my phone finding Toms contacts and pressed the FaceTime button. It only rang a couple of times before the blond British boy answered. He had a giant smile on his face and he waved to the camera.

"Hi gorgeous girlfriend of mine! How was your day!" He said as he was sitting at his desk.

"Oh yah know the normal! I actually did a little stream today! I was doing an incognito test thing to see if I would like it." I said hoping he wouldn't freak out.

"Ohh that's cool love! How did it go?!" He said looking at the camera actually interested.

It made me happy that he didn't just see this as something fun I did. Since I really enjoyed myself today I was thinking of doing something like what Ranboo does. If I could make it as a faceless streamer and still be Toms girlfriend it would be pretty pogchamp if I do say so myself.

"It was actually really fun! I got one fan! They joined in and I chatted with them some as I completed some achievements on Minecraft." I said smiling at Tom.

"I'm so glad you're enjoying yourself! Do you think you're also going to do content creation? If you are I wanna support you and help out!" He said paying full attention to me and not to the important work I assumed he had.

"I just might! You don't have to help though. No offense I just want to see how far I can make it on my own!" I said hoping he wouldn't be disappointed I didn't want his help.

"No no I get that! I'm glad that your doing this! If you do need help though I'm always here for you!" He said smiling at the camera.

"God damnit stop being so supportive! I love you though!" I said laughing.

He smiled a bit, but then leaned back in his chair and put us arms onto his forehead and let out a loud groan.

"What's up Tom? Got a lot of work to do?" I said brows furrowing in concern.

I (Dont) Hate You (TommyInnitxreader)Where stories live. Discover now