Irl Stream

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A couple days have past since Tom and I went to tour some parts of LA. In that time Toby, Aimsey, Billzo and Freddie had arrived in the US. I hadn't gotten a chance to go visit them yet, but I hoped I would able to today. So I took my phone off of my night stand and sent Toby a quick message to see if they would be up to do anything today.

Toby had sent back that they were going to be doing an Irl stream, going to a esports company, so they could do a cash app stream. I thought that meant that they would be busy, but instead they invited if I wanted to come along. They had already asked Liz so Tom and I were the next people to ask. I felt a little bad because that was already so many people showing up to an event, but if Toby offered and I wasn't going to deny the offer to see them.

So I sent back a quick text that I would be there and then I set my phone on my bed while I went into my closet to get changed. Once I found the outfit that I wanted I brushed my hair and everything, then headed out the door. Apparently there was a house that Toby had rented out especially for his trip. When I pulled up I was stunned, it was so gorgeous.

There were some fountains in the front and a long walk way up. When I looked to my left I seen a bright blue McLaren. For a second I thought I was in the wrong place until someone walked out of the house. It was Aimsey and I smile big. I was excited to finally meet her, I enjoyed her content.

I walked up further to the house and waved at Aimsey and said "Hi!"

She looked up and seen me her face was confused for a second then it seems she knew who I was.

She said "Hi! Do you happen to be Y/n?"

I nodded my head.

"Oh great! It's a pleasure meeting you! I've heard good things about you and was excited to hear that you were coming today." She said opening the door.

We both walked into the house and I followed Aimsey into the kitchen where everyone seemed to be. Every step I took further into this house was crazy. It looked so modern and clean. Well until I got into the kitchen. There were bags, food containers, and dirty dishes everywhere. I furrowed my brow at the mess.

"OH HEY Y/N!" Toby said as he walked up to me and opened his arms.

I hugged him and then said "Okay before I do anything today I'm cleaning."

Ranboo popped out of one of the rooms and walked over to me.

"You really don't have to clean. We will get it all cleaned up when we get back. Plus we need to head out soon if we are going to make it in time." He said sitting on one of the chairs at the kitchen island.

"How many of you guys are going to go on this irl trip today?" I said gauging what's going on today.

Toby tuned in this time and said "Um well Aimsey, Freddie, Billzo, Ranboo, Me, Tommy when he arrives, Liz if she wants to come, and you if you want."

My eyes got a little wide and I came up with a plan instead so I said " You know what. I'm just going to stay here if that's fine. I'll clean up here and you guys have fun. I'm still not too comfy with being on camera since the drama last time anyway."

Billzo walked over to me and slung his arm around my shoulder.

"If you say so Y/n, I just feel bad that you are gonna clean up our mess..." Ranboo said.

I shook my head and wrapped my arm around Bills shoulder and shook him a bit.

"Nahhh it's fine. I will though make all of you cook me a fancy meal today though." I said letting go of Bill.

He backed away and rolled his eyes walking to sit next to Ranboo. Before anyone could get another word in the door opened. We all turned our attention to the blonde fluffy haired boy who walked in. I smiled at him and once he seen me he basically sprinted to me and wrapped me in a hug. I laughed a bit and then he let go looking to everyone else a little embarrassed.

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