16: We're Lying to A Pirate and a Hero Group

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"Who the hell are you guys?!" Asked Tony, hand repulser trained on Nico. "Whoa! Put the thingamajig on your hand down, and we can talk." Said Percy, immediately stepping in front of Nico.

"I think we should listen to the kid with a sword, Tony." Said Steve, lowering his fists. Annabeth looked at him confused. "You can see the sword?" Steve confused, nodded.

"What sword?" Tony asked, looking between Annabeth and Steve. "You, guys don't see the-" Steve stopped, noticing the flicker between a sword and a bat, or a sword and a crowbar. "What..."

"Back to the topic, what the hell was that?" Asked Natasha, getting things back on track. Percy and Nico glanced at each other. "A genetically mutated thing." Grover responded.

"Well, you guys clearly know how to take those things down so, you're gonna have to come with us." Tony said, once again training his repulser on the demigods and satyr.

"How about no?" Said Jason, flipping his coin. "Kid what's a coin gonna do?" Clint asked, confused. "You guys really don't see it? The golden gladius in the kid's hand?" Steve asked, gesturing towards the gladius in Jason's hand. "No? Steve, are you okay?" Asked Bruce, clutching his plastic knife.

"A clear-sighted? Thought those guys were rare?" Nico said, glaring at the Avengers. "Nico, be careful. We don't want these mortals to see your dad." Annabeth hurriedly said in Greek. "Fine." He huffed back, lowering the tip of his blade. Nico looked back forward to see Steve gritting his teeth.

"Look, you guys look like you're barely over 16. We really don't wanna fight a bunch of kids." Clint said, grabbing a plastic fork and aiming at Jason. "So put your... weapons down, and we can come to a compromise."

Annabeth rolled her eyes. "Clearly you guys have a plan on taking us with you, and I don't think any of us will be happy with that so, leave us alone, or we're gonna have to fight." She said, gesturing to her friends.

The demigods and satyr assumed a tighter and closer fighting stance, Percy and Nico at the front, Annabeth and Jason on the sides, and Grover at the very back.

"I really don't wanna fight kids..." Steve grumbled under his breath. "None of us do Cap, but it looks like we're gonna have to." Tony replied, powering up his repulsor.

"Uh, hate to interrupt the epic fight that's about to happen but my manager says if you're gonna fight, fight outside. The half-burned arcade's enough of a reason to lower property value. " Said a scrawny, lanky, boy with really bad facial care. "Right..." Percy said, trailing off.

"You heard the man, let's take it outside." Tony said, still aiming at the Greeks and Roman. "If we go outside, we will just leave you, understand that, right?" Nico said, inching closer and closer to the exit.

"We understand. So we fight you the moment we exit the premises." Said Steve, lowering his fists a bit. "Alright..." Said Jason, lowering his gladius hesitantly. "After you." Tony said, finally lowering his gauntlet and gesturing towards the exit.

The demigods and satyr very hesitantly walked towards the exit. Well, the hesitancy really was called for because the moment they stepped outside, a thick but breathable bag was thrown over their heads.

Nico, who was still quite traumatized from the whole bronze jar fiasco, started breathing heavily. He noticed this and tried to think of things that made him forget about his troubles. Will, stupid memories of his old friends in the 40's, and Bianca. All of these helped him calm down, just enough to attempt to assess the situation.

In the small confusion and kerfuffle that happened, the magical mythical menagerie of chaos didn't realize that they were moving. Towards a giant glass llama to be exact. I mean, they did have a thick bag on their heads so I guess we can give them some slack.

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