24: Mission Ends and Questions Kind Of Get Answered

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"How many of them are there?!" Said Jason in frustration, fighting his 5th wave of HYDRA soldiers. "A lot. Just keep fighting until we get that signal!" Yelled back Steve, knocking out 5 at once upon throwing his shield.

"How many more soldiers do you need?" Asked Nico, knocking out the soldier behind Steve. "Can you get us 10 more?" Asked Steve, throwing his shield at the soldier sneaking up on Jason.

"I'll try. Watch my 6." Said Nico, stretching his hands out, summoning more undead soldiers. Just then, the HYDRA base started crumbling, making the fighting cease momentarily. "That's our signal!" Yelled Nico, grabbing Steve's hand and shadow travelling out of the battlefield, Jason grabbing Nico's arm the moment he saw the collapsing base.

The trio fell out of the shadows, spooking the team. "Where the hell did you guys come from?!" Asked Tony, the one who got spooked the most. "Ask later, we're still on enemy territory." Said Jason, picking up Nico and carrying him like a fireman would. "Put me down Grace." Said Nico, barely managing to get the words out.

"Okay, choose right now. Death to sky, or death to soldiers?" Asked Steve, who was being supported by Clint and Nat. "Soldiers sound great right now." Said Nico, trying to fight against Jason. "You stultus, you're with me. Nothing bad's gonna happen." Said Jason, placing Nico down on a seat on the jet, beside Steve.

"If you feel turbulence, just ignore it." Said Jason to Clint, who was piloting the jet at the moment. "We didn't have turbulence going here and scanners say the sky's clear for the next 500 miles we're gonna travel, what makes you think we're gonna get turbulence leaving?" Asked Clint, starting up the jet. "Trust me, we'll get some." Said Jason, taking out a canteen filled with nectar and passing it to Nico.

"What's that?" Asked Tony, checking if his suit needed any repairs. "Hold on." Interrupted Clint, taking off. The team and teenagers all held onto something, Jason and Nat holding their weak and pale teammates.

"Back to my question." Said Tony, right after all take-off turbulence ended. "Something only me, Nico, and other specific teenagers can take." Said Jason, taking the canteen from Nico and peeking inside to see how much he drank. "Drink some from your own canteen as well." Said Jason in Latin.

"And burn up? I'd rather not." Nico answered back. "What about Steve? He got mixed in with Di Angelo's weird teleporting stuff. What's he supposed to take?" Asked Clint, who gave J.A.R.V.I.S the wheel. "Unless he's one of us, it's better to just let him rest." Said Jason, glancing at Steve, who was handling it a bit better than earlier.

"He's a super soldier. He can't get sick. What type of weird shit did the kid do to actually make him sick." Jason's look dimmed. "I'm not really sure if I can answer that." Said Jason, glancing at the cockpit windshield.

Just then, a storm started brewing. "What the fuck?" Said Clint softly to himself, running over to pilot the jet. "Okay, I can just go now." Said Nico, trying to stand up. Jason just pushed him lightly, making him plop back in the chair unceremoniously.

"Yeah, you're not doing that. Stark? Can you make sure he doesn't leave his seat? If he does then gods help me." Said Jason walking towards the cockpit. Tony walked over to Nico and sat down, one seat away from him. "Never knew I'd be intimidated into babysitting but here we are."

Nico chuckled, making Tony look at him weirdly. "What? I can't get intimidated by a child that has really good fighting skills?" Nico shook his head. "It's not like that."

"Then what?" Nico just shook his head. "Nevermind. While I recover and Jason's handling the whole turbulence thing, got any questions for me? You and redhead over there only get 3 each." Said Nico, gesturing to Nat, who was checking if Steve was still alive, which he was, he was just sleeping.

"What's in that canteen?" Asked Tony, pointing to the canteen containing unicorn draught. "Unicorn draught." Nico answered plainly. "What like, a liquid morphine or some shit with a fancy name?" Asked Tony again.

"Do you really wanna use your second question on that?" Asked Nico, shifting in his chair to sit in a more comfortable position. "Yeah, no. Uh, how about, why are you so scared of flying and the sky in general?" Asked Tony, offering assistance to Nico, to which he declined. "To put it simply, I'm scared of Jason's dad."

"That just made things more complicated, to say the least." Said Tony, running a hand through his hair. "Trust me, my life's more complicated than being scared of someone's father." Said Nico, internally debating whether he should drink the rest of the canteen he was holding.

"How much military training do you have?" Asked Nat, staring at Nico's sword, which looked like a crowbar to her. "Not really military training, but I do have battle training for around 3 years and counting." Said Nico, deciding to take another sip of unicorn draught.

"Okay, why use a crowbar as your main weapon?" Asked Nat, leaning forward to get a better look at Nico. "It's not actually a crowbar but, it's a good weapon. That's why." Said Nico, patting his sword.

"Okay, I wanna use my last question on that. Why can't we see what the fuck that “crowbar“ actually is?" Asked Tony, also staring at the sword. "Magic." Said Nico, waving his hands around and wincing.

"You're kidding." A shake of a head from Nico just left them confused. "Last question from the spy." Said Nico, looking at Nat. "Who actually are you?" Asked Nat.

"I'll try to answer that back at the tower. I'm not really sure if I can answer it midair." Said Nico, leaning back and closing his eyes. "Alright, let's just spend the rest of the flight resting." Said Tony, also leaning back and closing his eyes.

The rest of the flight was spent in peace until they landed softly on the helipad where the ones left behind were waiting. Nico and Jason were first to get off, immediately getting hugged by the three Greeks that got left behind.

"Good to know you two are safe." Said Percy, ruffling Jason's hair. "We've got answers to give. Did you ask your dad to ask Jason's dad?" Asked Nico, pulling away from the hug. "Yup, we've got permission. And they just have to swear like Captain Rogers." Said Percy, pulling out a square of ambrosia from Annabeth's bag.

"No need, me and Nico finished my canteen." Sad Jason, opening his canteen and shaking it upside down, not a single drop forming on the rim. "Wait, how many times?" Asked Annabeth, almost scolding Nico. "Just three."

"One with one person and another with two." Said Jason, Nico glaring at him like a hellhound would. "Let's just keep it a secret between us. No one wants to be rhyming for a month, right?" A curt nod from everyone put them all on the same page of not telling Will.

"Well, we'd better go inside because Di Angelo owes me an answer." Said Nat, walking over to the teenagers. "We all owe you guys answers so don't worry." Said Grover, a small tremble in his voice.

When Nat walked away, Grover sighed. "She scares me." The group laughed and followed the adults inside to answer a few questions.

Word count: 1255 words
I'm sorry this took so long to get out! :,)
Also I know with the amount of plot holes my story could strain pasta so please just ignore them :,) I wrote this story because I was bored and I wasn't expecting any reads maybe one or two if I got lucky so thank you to the people who have read my story so far and I hope you enjoy the rest of this holey plot

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