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She smoked the cigarette in her hand, letting the tears roll down her cheeks. She didn't know why she was there, why had she come back? Why didn't she just stay at the hotel with Calum? She leaned over and vomited all the alcohol and the food in her stomach. She wiped her mouth and took another drag of her cigarette, the smoke and the taste of vomit made her gag once more, but she covered her mouth and told herself to suck it up.

A couple guys whistled at her, making her want to get sick once again. She swallowed the bile rising in her throat and started walking faster. She could hear them laughing and she rolled her eyes. She wiped under her eyes and saw the makeup on her hand. She sighed and dropped the cigarette to the ground.

She saw an alley and decided to walk in there, where she could be alone. She saw some stairs and walked up them which led to a rooftop of a building. She looked over the edge and imagined herself, climbing over, spreading her arms and flying to the bottom.

It was all her fault, none of it would have ever happened if it hadn't been for her. Her phone started vibrating and she saw that it was Calum. He had been calling her for the past forty-five minutes and she refused to answer because he knew that he would be able to hear the pain in her voice, the fear, the guilt, all of it.

The memories came flooding to her once more and she screamed throwing her phone over the building, she heard it drop and she fell onto her knees and let the tears roll down her cheeks. She cried and cried until she had cried so much that there were no more tears.

She felt a hand touch her shoulder and she jumped. When she saw who it was, her stomach dropped, her heart sank, her breathing hitched.

"Hi beautiful," he sadly smiled.

She let out more sobs and he put his arm around her, pulling her closer to him. She turned to look at him and he wiped tears off her face.

"Do you know?" she asked, "What.." she paused, "What I did?"

He nodded, "I know."

"It's all my fault," she said quietly, "I did this."

There was a long silence between them. She grabbed her flask out of her jacket and took a huge sip, feeling the alcohol burn her throat. Kyle grabbed the flask and shook his head.

"That's enough drinking," he said, moving her hair out of her face.

She lied down and he watched as her eyes became watery once more and more tears fell. He was afraid, because he knew that all she could think about was how it was her fault.

"I won't tell him," Kyle finally said, "I won't tell anyone." She looked at him and nodded.

"Thank you," she said.

He ran his fingers through her hair until she fell asleep, wondering how long they would be able to keep Tamina's secret.


you guys are probably all like "what did tamina do???" well im not telling you haha the secret will come out soon

tell me your theories i'd love to hear them :-)

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