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somewhere deep inside

everyone has their dark side


Wendy sat on the other side of the table, waiting for her dad to come inside. When the door opened, she kept her eyes glued to the floor, just like she did the first time that she saw him.

"Wendy," he sat down, "I'm glad you came."

"Why did you call me?" she asked him, "Matter of fact, how did you even get my number?"

He looked up at her and smirked, "Newbie just came in getting caught with drugs, started yelling that he got it from a girl named Wendy Rams, but he was so high no one was really paying attention. I kind of got information from him. Your drug dealing now?"

"How else am I going to survive?" Wendy spat, anger coursing through her veins, "This is the easiest way I can get money, I mean I could prostitute myself but I actually have self respect. I'm paying my friends hospital bills with this money, all of us are. She should go home but we want her to be close to doctors right now because we don't want her to die. If I wasn't drug dealing, she'd probably by dead by now."

"Do you expect me to cry for you?" he asked.

"Look, why did you call me? To yell at me for drugs?" Wendy rolled her eyes, "If you are, you'd be a huge hypocrite for it."

"That's not what I called you for," he admitted, "My execution date has been set up and stuff, I'm gonna die."

Wendy's face dropped and her hands went cold, her entire body went cold actually. She swallowed hard and opened her mouth to speak, but she couldn't get the words out, so her father continued to talk.

"I want you to be there," he said to her. He put out his hand, but she didn't take it, she was almost afraid to. "I don't have any family, the family I have is also being executed sooner or later, and.. I don't want to be alone."

"Dad.." Wendy trailed off, her voice breaking.

"I'd appreciate it if you called your mom too, and got her to come," Trevor muttered, "I know that I don't deserve it but-"

"I don't really talk to Mom anymore," Wendy said, her voice shaky, "I can't see her. Don't ask please, I just can't see her."

"Not even for me?" he frowned.

"Especially not for you," Wendy replied, "Dad, I don't even know why I feel comfortable calling you that, but you were gone for all of my life. You can't really blame for giving you the cold shoulder."

"Fine," Trevor said, the sadness clear in his voice, "Will you at least come?"

Wendy got up and took in a deep, shaky breath, "I have to go, Jordyn probably needs me."

"Wendy!" he said, standing up just as she was about to leave.

She looked back at him and then at the floor, "I'll be there. Goodbye Dad."

"Goodbye Wendy."



"Hey, sorry I'm kind of late, I grabbed some coffee," Wendy held one up for her boyfriend, "I asked for extra everything this time just the way you like it."

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