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bad habits are hard to leave

so you either kill them

or let them kill you


"How'd she die?" Wendy asked Squid. Squid looked over at her and took another swig at the bottle of vodka in his hands. Rabbit cleared his throat and spoke up for him.

 "Seizure killed her," Rabbit explained, "She had been having seizures, from all the drugs. They weren't like every day or anything, but every once in a while. The drugs gave her a seizure disorder and it killed her."

Wendy stared at Regan who wiped her eyes and took another hit of the joint he was smoking, handing it over to Quentin who sat next to him.

She stared at Bailey who sat in the corner, drinking a bottle of moonshine.

"Who found her?" Quentin asked.

"Her mom," Squid cleared his throat, "She was the one who told us. We would have called you sooner, to come for the funeral but um.. I don't know we were kind of.."

"It's okay," Wendy said to him, "We get it."

"We should go," Quentin said to Wendy, "We need to get back home tomorrow, and we haven't packed everything up at my brothers."

Wendy nodded, "We'll be back later," she said to everyone, who didn't even turn to look her way.

Her and her boyfriend left Ryder and Regan's house and got into their car and sighed. "How do we tell Sophie?"

"We just do."

They drove back to Quentin's old house and saw everyone in the living room, everyone including Abbigial.

"Well?" Sophie popped up, "Is Jane okay?"

"Sophie," Wendy started, then trailed off, "They called to tell us that, she's not okay. She took some LSD, and it ended up giving her another seizure, apparently she had a few of those. She ended up dying right there in her house, her mom found her."

Sophie's face dropped, "Wait so.. you're telling me that, my best friend is.."

Wendy walked away as Sophie dropped to her knees and let her tears run down her face. She stepped outside and finally let the tears she had been holding in, run down her face.

"That could have been you," Tamina spoke. Wendy turned around and looked back at her, her heart dropping when she saw her for the first time in over a year.

"Holy shit," she muttered.

"If you had stayed here, that could have been you," Tamina said, "What if it was you everyone was grieving over?"

"I stopped my habits before we even left to Boston," Wendy said to her, "Remember? I was in rehab for a good while."

"Trust me I remember," Tamina said, "You didn't call any of us to tell us we could see you, or that you got out. You spent that time with Quentin, behind Michael's back, so yes, I do remember."

Wendy sighed, "Can we not do this right now? I just found out my best friend died from an overdose."

"The cycle seems to repeat itself with people overdosing in that group, doesn't it?" Tamina said to her friend. Wendy stared at her with a look of disgust on her face at what she was saying, "And those were never your best friends, we were."

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