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goodbyes can be the easiest

and hardest things to do


It had been five months since Calum and his friends saw the now Queen of Hell. Things had changed for all of them, birthdays passed, new job opportunities had appeared for some of them, things seemed to be looking up.

Jordyn rarely came out of her room, the guest room in Tamina and Calum's apartment, for the first two months after Ashton's death. She shunned her brother for the first month, blaming him for not saving the boy she loved, but she came to understand, it was Ashton's time.

Calum tried his hardest to look for Tamina, but gave up after three months. He knew that they couldn't be together, not after all that had happened, so now he was learning to let go.

Abbi went back to Boston and stayed in the house she lived in with her dad and brothers, and Sophie and Michael went with her. They took her brothers old room, while she stayed in hers. The only empty room now was her fathers and Will's. Nathan's room was the one her adopted sister and boyfriend stayed in.

They weren't the only ones who left to Boston though. In order to get money, Quentin and Wendy left to Boston as well knowing the drug rate over there was incredible.

Quentin bought an apartment for him and his girlfriend with all the drugs he had been selling in Boston with the help of his girlfriend. No one knew Wendy was dealing, because if they did, they would immediately assume that she was using again with her boyfriend and say bad things about him the way they used to.

Charlie and Luke stayed with Calum for only a month before they both got small jobs and were able to get Haylee's old apartment. It was strange for them to be there, they never went into Haylee's room, because that was where their best friend had died, so they slept in the other room together.

They visited Calum often, but they had all drifted apart from one another.

Until the day Calum and Jordyn summoned Tamina.

Jordyn lied the Ouija board flat on the ground and after their chant, Calum asked if Tamina could hear him and to his shock, the planchette moved to the yes.

"I didn't summon you to try and convince you to do anything," Calum muttered, "I just wanted to say goodbye, we never had closure, you kind of just left."

"How's hell?" Tamina heard a voice.

Tamina looked to her left and saw the boy she watched die five months before that. He was healed completely, and he had a glow to him.

"Ashton?" she asked.

He smiled, "I came to say goodbye too, to Jordyn."

Tamina cleared her throat and walked towards Calum, touching his shoulder and making herself seen. He gasped and she took his hand, helping him stand up to face her.

"Tamina," Jordyn swallowed hard.

She smiled, "There's someone you should see."

There was a bright glow, and Ashton appeared right in front of the girl who loved him, and the girl he finally realized he loved as well.

"Ashton," Jordyn's eyes almost immediately welled up with tears. She took a step towards him, but she was to afraid to take another, so instead he walked towards her.

He touched her face and she touched his hand, letting a tear run down her face.

"We never got closure," Ashton repeated what Calum said, "And I wanted to tell you that I'm so sorry. It was always you, I loved you the entire time and I just never could see it. It was supposed to be you."

She nodded, "I know Ash."

Tamina and Calum looked on as he took one step closer and cupped her face in her hands, pressing his lips to hers, a moment Jordyn had been waiting for since her freshman year.

"I have to go now," he said once he pulled away from her, "But just know, I'm always looking over you."

She nodded, "I love you."

He smiled and wiped the tears that fell from her eyes, "I love you too Brown."

There was a glow and soon he was gone, she looked over at Calum and Tamina, who were now staring at one another.

"I'm glad you're doing okay," she said to him, "You seem to be doing better, and so does everyone else."

"How do you know that?" he asked her.

She smiled a bit, "Well, you don't think I just stopped looking after you guys, right?"

"We all thought you did," Calum admitted, "We hadn't heard from you for five months, what else were we supposed to think?"

"I wanted you guys to move on," Tamina said to him, "And besides that, I have other things to worry about, like witches and hunters. Being the Queen of Hell is a lot of work, but at least I have a King to do it by my side."

"How is Kyle anyway?" Calum asked.

She smiled, "He's okay, he's a good ruler."

"I'm happy for you," Calum gave her a soft smile.

She nodded, "When was the last time you talked to Abbigial?"

"Two days ago, she called," Calum said to his ex-girlfriend, "But the last time I saw her was months ago, she's in Boston, but I'm sure you know that."

"I don't keep tabs on her, less dangerous that way," Tamina explained, "That's why I asked. She's probably secretly hatching a plan to try and kill me and Kyle for what we did to her family."

"I thought she let that go," Calum said to her.

Tamina smirked, "She's never going to let that go."

"How's Michael?" Calum asked, "I mean, we don't talk to them anymore, we all drifted."

Tamina smiled, "I've never seen him so happy. Sophie is literally the other part of him, they're happier than I ever saw him with Wendy. When it comes to Wendy, she's with Quentin, and they're perfect together, I always knew they would be."

He nodded, "How's Josh and Jamie?"

"The King and Queen of Knights are doing amazing," Tamina said to him, "Nathan is now a knight of hell, as well as Wendy's little sister."

"Whitney?" Calum frowned.

Tamina nodded, "Yeah, she's a loyal one, I take care of her like she was my own sister."

"I'm sure Wendy would like to hear that, not the knight of hell but that you take care of her," Calum said to her.

Tamina nodded, "Yeah, me too."

It was silent and Calum looked down, "I guess this is goodbye, right?"

Tamina nodded, "Yeah."

She kissed his cheek and smiled, "Thank you for everything you did for me when we were together and even when we weren't."

He smiled, "I hope things will be okay for you."

Tamina walked towards Jordyn and hugged her best friend for the first time in five months and Jordyn hugged her back tightly.

When Tamina pulled away she frowned, and stepped back. Jordyn frowned and shook her head, "What is it?"

"Something is wrong inside you," Tamina muttered, "Something bad."


filler srry

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