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in the end, everything is always okay

or at least, that's what everyone

would love to believe


"Wake up!" she swallowed hard, shaking her boyfriend's limp body, "C'mon, please wake up, please don't die on me."

She touched the blood on her forehead and felt her body go numb, the fear finally showing. She looked over and saw the handle to the door and opened it, she crawled out, feeling the pain rush through her body as she got herself out and lied on the road.

She slightly gasped when she got a view of the car that was upside down. She heard a door open and saw her friend crawling out.

"Oh my gosh," the girl said to him, "We need to get help."

The boy reached into his pocket and took out his phone, but started to shut his eyes.

"No," the girl shook her head, "Stay awake, please, stay awake."

He swallowed hard and slid the phone towards her, before letting himself fall limp.

The girl grabbed the phone and dialed 911, her voice hoarse as she explained the situation, "I need help, there's been an accident, none of my friends will wake up and the car's upside down and I got out but I cant' remember anything. My body hurts and please, just please help us."

"M'am where are you? Can you tell me your location?"

The girl tried to respond, but the darkness took over her and she was closed her eyes, lying limp like the rest of her friends.



"We're here!" Abbi yelled out as her and Calum walked inside Charlie and Luke's brand new apartment that they had saved up the money for since Jordyn's death a year before.

"Oh yay!" Charlie squealed when she saw them, "Okay everyone is here now. So, as you guys all know Luke and I have called you all here today to share an announcement with all of you.

Sophie and Michael looked at each other and chuckled, wondering what Charlie was so happy about. Luke smiled at all his friends, "Are you guys ready?"

"We've been ready for like an hour now," Quentin rolled his eyes, "We were the first ones here," he looked at Wendy, "So, let's hear it."

"Wait," Charlie stopped Luke, "I feel wrong not having Tamina here. She was still our friend throughout highschool and I know things are different now but still I want her here."

"She is here," Tamina walked into their living room from the kitchen, "I admit that I wasn't going to come but I figured it out, so here I am, Kyle couldn't make it he had business to attend to down in hell but that doesn't really matter to you, as long as I'm here right?"

After Jordyn's death, Tamina went AWAL again. Out of all of them, it was Tamina that the death took the biggest toll on. She hid in the pits of hell in her kingdom, with only Kyle to comfort her. He always knew how to calm her down, and this time her friends didn't look for her again.

It was only until Wendy's fathers execution that Tamina appeared again to support her as well as all her other friends. They waited outside the jail for Wendy to come out with her little sister, who watched the execution from afar, making sure her father could not see her.

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