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family history

can make you better

or completely destroy you


Wendy grabbed the money from the man and he thanked her, "I'll make sure to do business with you again, tell your boyfriend I said thanks also."

The blond smirked, "I will."

She walked into the truck Quentin had recently bought and handed him the money, he handed her two twenties and she frowned, "What's this for? You know I have money babe."

"Go get your nails done or something," Quentin smiled, giving her a kiss before driving off and back to their apartment.

When they got there, Wendy went to their room, and reached under the bed to grab a box. She took out the bags of cocaine, and put them aside, trying to remember the orders she had to deliver later that day.

Quentin grabbed one of the bags as he got inside and cleared his throat, "Do we have the other stuff too?"

Wendy reached under the bed once again and got another box, pulling out a gram of weed and handing it to him.

He smiled, "Thank you baby."

She gave him a small smile and he grabbed the bags, walking out of the room and down the hallway to get back into the living room. Wendy stared at the different drugs in the boxes and swallowed hard. Her family history of abuse was something she would never be able to run from. She wondered if her mom ever got urges for cocaine, the way she got urges for Vicodin. She also wondered that if Whitney were alive, would she also be feigning for drugs?

Her father was another thing she had been thinking about since she left New York. Was he a drug addict? He had to have been, right? To get himself affiliated with a gang and to commit those horrible crimes, he had to be addicted to drugs.

Her entire family belonged to drugs.

There was a ring that came from Wendy's new phone, she bought it off a man when she was dropping off three grams of weed to a client.

"Hello?" she answered.

"Wendy?" she heard a very familiar voice.

"Yeah, who's this?" she asked. The person on the other line sniffled, and there was noise in the background, she was somewhere busy.

"Jordyn," she cleared her throat, "It's Jordyn."

The blond frowned, "How did you find me?"

"I summoned your sister," Jordyn admitted. Wendy clenched her fists and swallowed hard, she didn't know why that upset her, but it did.

"You summoned Whitney?" Wendy yelled, to the point where Quentin could hear her from down the hall, "You couldn't have summoned someone else?!"

"I assumed she would know how I could get to you," Jordyn muttered.

Wendy sighed and bit her bottom lip, "Why did you call? Not that I don't want you to, it's just, we haven't talked in so long." Jordyn sniffled, and Wendy frowned when she figured out she was crying, "Jordyn?"

"I'm in trouble," Jordyn choked out, "Really big trouble."

"What are you talking about?" Wendy sat up straight, "What's going on?" She looked up and noticed Quentin standing at the door.

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