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when was it

that you lost



When the door opened, Wendy felt her heart drop. They stared at one another for a moment, in complete silence. It had been one week since she had been in Boston, debating on what she was supposed to do next.

Abbi and the others were all doing their research, trying to locate Tamina, Kyle, Josh, and Jamie. Abbi was still learning how to deal with her witch abilities and Sophie was still adjusting to a new life with them all. Things between Michael and Sophie were the same as they were with Quentin and Wendy. There was so much lost happiness, so many unsaid feelings, so much blame between them, guilt circling within the pairs.

"Rams," he cleared his throat.

"Hey," she said to him, "Can I come in?"

Quentin stepped aside and let her inside, she walked to the kitchen and leaned against the counter. He grabbed two cups and grabbed white wind, Wendy's favorite.

He poured the two cups and handed Wendy hers, she stared down at it and frowned at him, "Ryder told me you didn't drink much anymore."

"I don't," Quentin took a sip, "But after this conversation, I'm probably gonna want to."

Wendy took a sip of her wine and nodded, "Yeah, I guess."

They were both silent for a minute, before Quentin finally sighed, "Why are you doing here, Wendy?"

"I told you," Wendy ran her hands through her hair, she bit her lip and sighed, "Look, after Ryder told me you were in jail, I freaked out, I knew that I had to get you out. I asked a friend of mine to come back here and get your money and mine. I couldn't see my mom, it's to hard."

"No Wendy," Quentin shook his head, "I mean, why are you here? At my house?"

She shrugged, "I wanted to talk to you."

"Talk," he puckered his lips.

She sighed, "I..." she trailed off and then cleared her throat, "I don't know how to say what I wanna say."

"Sucks, doesn't it?" he asked her, "Not being able to explain what you feel? That's how I felt, you know, after you left."

"Quentin," Wendy shook her head, "I had to leave."

"Did you?"

Wendy looked down, "I thought I did."

"What do you think now?"

Wendy felt her throat closing up, tears threatening to spill from her eyes, "Look Hart, I went through a lot before I left to Boston, you out of all people know that, but, I went through even more in Boston. I went through things that no eighteen year old should have go through. I'm nineteen now and I still can't go to sleep without having nightmares."

"Nightmares about what?" he asked her.

Wendy shook her head, "You wouldn't get it."

"Tamina?" he asked her.

"She's only part of them," Wendy admitted. She didn't know what she was supposed to do. Part of her wanted to tell him about everything that had happened, but she knew if she did, she would be opening up a whole new dimension for him, a dangerous one.

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