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when you look in the mirror

do you even see yourself?


Mirrors are a reflection of yourself, of who you are. The images can get distorted sometimes though depending on who you wish you were, and what you actually are.

They had been under the radar, Tamina, Ashton, Kyle, Josh, and Haylee. Two entire weeks had gone by without Ashton having any contact with any of his other friends.

Until Jonathon found them.

Tamina sat in the bathroom of Haylee's apartment, staring at herself in the mirror. Her human qualities were making her reminisce on memories, making her want to cry and scream.

She looked from the sink and up at herself and felt a tear roll down her cheek. She remembered when things were so simple, she was Queen Bee and she ran the school, but who knew that two years later she would be something so evil.

Then something strange happened.

She backed up and hit the wall, sliding herself down and crying hard. She didn't care if anyone heard, all she wanted at that moment was her old life back, at least, she thought she did.

She didn't actually want it back, she just missed being able to take a shower and feel it, she missed being able to eat cake and feel so full to where one felt like they were going to explode. She missed being able to feel happy for someone, and to feel excitement.

"Help!" she heard a voice.

She got up slowly and stared at herself in the mirror. She saw herself, but not a reflection, instead it was something else.

She saw herself screaming, she was crying and yelling, "Fix me! How could you do this to me? Fix me! Cure me Tamina!"

Tamina backed up slowly, hitting the wall again. She blinked and the girls eyes went black, but tears still ran down her face.

"How could you destroy yourself like this?!" the girl yelled at her, "Help me! Fix me Tamina!"

There was a loud piercing sound that made Tamina drop to the floor. She knew exactly what that sound meant, and she tried to reach for the door, but she was touched by the angel.

She felt a burning sensation go through her body, she looked up at Jordyn's brother who smiled at her, "I'm going to fix you."

Things went black, but when she did awake, she was in her old apartment, where she lived with her ex-boyfriend.

Tamina tried to get up, but she was bound by rope, as well as her boyfriend, Josh, and Jamie. The Queen of the Knights looked up and saw Ashton standing among the rest of her friends, she frowned at him.


"I'm sorry," he said to her, "But I can't watch you be.. this anymore."

"He prayed," Jonathon explained, "I heard his prayers and I found you, all of you."

Tamina stared at Ashton with a look of hate in her eyes, "Screw you."

The door opened and Abbi walked in, with a tray of syringes. She grabbed one of them and walked towards Tamina, stabbing her in the arm. Tamina screamed out and Sophie took the syringe from her sister and handed it to Quentin, who threw it in the garbage.

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