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the most

evil creatures

once had

a beating heart


When Kyle woke up, he saw Tamina drinking out of her flask. He saw as she held it upside down, trying to take in every lost bit of alcohol. He smiled at the sight of her, even with smeared makeup and messy hair, he thought she was one of the most beautiful girls he had ever seen.

She turned her head and gave him a small smile when she saw him. She felt her arm itching and when she lifted up her sleeve, she saw her mark glowing. She wasn't afraid, she was curious, why was it doing that?

"What's wrong?" Kyle asked when he saw that she looked confused.

Tamina didn't know if Kyle knew that she was a knight, maybe he just knew about the deal. She shook her head, "Nothing."

"You sure?" Kyle asked her, even though he already knew what she was looking at. Since she was still part human, he could still get inside her head, even though some thoughts were clouded since she was slowly becoming one of them.

She nodded, "Yeah, I'm fine, just kind of worried."

"They're awake you know," Kyle said to her, "Your friends, I can feel them, they're all wondering what's happening."

Kyle was right, back at the house Wendy was feeling hungry, and she was scared she hadn't felt hungry in a year, since she had died. They were all suddenly hungry, all suddenly tired. They all could feel warmth in their bodies, they were confused; very confused.

"What am I going to do?" Tamina sighed, "They're all going to be looking for me, Calum especially."

"Maybe you should tell him," Kyle said, "I don't see how you can be happy with him and your friends unless they know."

"They won't look at me the same," she picked at her fingernails, "I mean, I'm not human anymore, I'm a creature, my new home is basically hell. And besides, how could I be with Calum if I'm not human, we can't grow old together and we can't have kids, not that I wanted any, but I know he did.

Kyle nodded, "Yeah, I guess it is, especially since you're a knight."

Tamina's head snapped towards him, he knew? But how?

"How did you-" she started, but he cut her off.

Kyle swallowed hard and lifted up his sleeve, revealing the same mark that Hope had. The mark of a knight.

"Why didn't you tell me?" Tamina ran her hands through her hair, "All these secrets are going to make my head explode."

"I'm sorry beautiful," he sighed, "But I didn't think that any of this would happen. I didn't think that Hope would..." he trailed off, not wanting to say the words, "You know. I didn't know that any of this would happen. I didn't think I would have to tell you."

Tamina thought she would feel more hurt, but she didn't, but why?

"Say something," Kyle scooted closer towards her.

She shrugged, "I don't know what to say."

"You aren't like-"

"Hurt? Mad?" she shook her head, "Not really."

demonsOnde histórias criam vida. Descubra agora