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some things are meant

to never be talked about


"Greg," Tamina said as she stood over his hospital bed, "It's been a long time, hasn't it?"

Greg looked at her in fear, "You're the new Queen of Hell."

Tamina blinked her eyes and he gasped at the red color, "You aren't wrong."

"You came to me," he said to her, his voice hoarse, "Asking for help on how to get rid of what was attacking your friends, and now you became everything you were afraid of."

"Maybe if you had never sold that board to my friends, I wouldn't have to be everything I was once afraid of," Tamina said to him.

"Are you here to make me die?" he asked her.

She shook her head, "No, but you are going to. Your body is to weak to fight off the disease you have, and you know it. You aren't afraid to die though, you're actually kind of happy, aren't you?"

"Maybe," he muttered.

"When was the last time you sold a board?" Tamina asked, "I'm just curious."

"Two girls," he explained, "One of them was named Penny, the other I think was Carol, maybe Carrie. They explained that they lost a bet, and now they had to go play in the murder house."

"Are they alive?"

"I don't know," he shrugged, "They never came back to my store."

"Sad, isn't it?" Tamina asked him, "When you think of all the deaths that you had to do?"

He swallowed hard, "Yeah, it is."

"Not for me," she smirked, "I can't feel anything. Sometimes I wish I could, but I can't. I don't feel any remorse, any guilt. I'm emotionless now, and it's weird, but it's kind of cool."

"That's what makes you guys so scary," Greg said to her, "The fact that you can kill and not feel anything. I would dream of the people I sold those boards too, dream of things that could have killed them. I saw them in my dreams every night, especially you guys."

"Why did we affect you so much?" Tamina asked.

"You guys reminded me so much of me and my friends," he shook his head, "Your innocence and curiosity killed you guys."

"Yeah, it did," Tamina muttered.

"Are you with your other demon friends?" Greg asked sarcastically.

"No," Tamina shook her head, "They're doing their own business. I just felt like I had to say goodbye to you, even though part of me really hates you."

"I'm not very fond of you either," he said to her.

She smiled, "I'll see you soon."

His face dropped, "What?"

"Well in hell," she smiled, "You did some very bad things while you were alive Greg. Do you really think that you'll be let into the gates of heaven?"

"No," he shook his head, "No I-"

"I'm kidding," Tamina rolled her eyes, "I don't make those decisions. I do wonder if I'll see you though, I wonder if your sins are forgivable."

"Goodbye Tamina," Greg said, the worry of everything he had done flooding in his mind. She smirked and waved at him before leaving the hospital room.

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