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you can't run

from who you truly are


"She didn't do it," Jamie said to everyone who stared at Tamina like the monster she really was, "It looks bad, I know, but she didn't do it. I know that's what you're all thinking, but she didn't hurt Ashton, she was trying to save him."

"What happened Tammy?" Kyle asked her.

Tamina got up from the floor and stared at Eva and shook her head, "I c-can't do t-this, right now."

"Josh take her back to the house," Jamie said to her boyfriend, "The cops are probably gonna come if anyone heard all this noise, and Tamina can't be seen here, she looks guilty as hell."

"She isn't going anywhere until I know what happened," Jordyn snapped, "What the hell did you do?!"

"I didn't do anything to him," Tamina muttered, "Eva found him."

They all stared at Eva's body and Calum looked at his ex-girlfriend, "Is that why she went missing? Because she was planning on doing all of this."

"She said that I took everything from her," Tamina's voice was shaky as she tried to keep herself stable, even though she was far from that, "She was supposed to be the next knight, but then I came into the picture and she was forgotten about. She wanted everything I have now, the throne, Kyle, all of it."

"She did this out of envy?" Charlie asked.

Tamina nodded, "She said that one by one, she would take everything I loved, starting with you guys. Ashton was the one with the blade to kill a knight, so she took him first, easy target."

"Abbi can't you heal him?" Sophie asked her sister, "I mean with all your witch abilities."

Abbi shook her head, "I mean, I don't think so, the damage is done, look at him."

Luke did something that he had never done before. He got on his knees and prayed to the angels asking them to help his friend because he couldn't loose him again.

"I don't know if anyone can hear me," his voice shook as tears ran down his face, "I've never done something like this before, I don't know how to do this. If someone can hear me, Jonathon, anyone, I need your help. Save my brother, please."

There was a loud pitch scream sound, and they all fell to the floor and covered their ears. Ashton couldn't move, but the sound hurt his ears, only causing him more pain.

When the bright light and high pitched sound was gone, they saw Jonathon standing in the corner of the room.

He walked towards his sister and the boy she loved, she sniffled, "Please save him, I love him, I can't loose him again."

Jonathon stared at Ashton and wiped the blood around his eyes, so that the boy could see clearly. The first person Ashton looked at was his best friend. He tried to reach for her hand, but his whole body was so weak that he could barely move. His fingers moved and she reached for them and when they touched, he squeezed her hand tightly.

"I'm sorry," Jonathon said as he looked at Jordyn. She frowned and her brother turned his attention back to Ashton, "Are you ready to go?"

Ashton closed his eyes and nodded slowly.

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