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the bad in life

evens out the good

and the good

evens out the bad


Jacob smoked the joint in his hand, grabbing his girlfriends hand in the other. They opened the door to their new apartment, which was the old one that Quentin and Wendy lived in.

"Who's this?" Carrie asked him, "These two in this picture."

Jacob grabbed the frame and laughed, "Those are the two people who I told you I considered my mom and dad, the ones who found me out on the streets, they live around here still. Wendy's pregnant actually."

"She looks really familiar," Carrie frowned, "I swear I've seen her before."

"Maybe you know her," Jacob shrugged, "I don't know, maybe you have her mistaken with someone else."

Carrie shut her eyes for a moment and went back in time to when she played a Ouija board with her friend Penny inside a house that was notorious for all the killings. She remembered the moment she put the planchette to her eye to see the spirits there with her. A flash of a girl with bleach blond hair that looked almost white came to her mind, and she dropped the picture, which Quentin quickly caught.

"Shit Carrie!" Jacob grabbed the frame, "What the hell? Are you okay?"

Carrie couldn't speak, she started shaking her head and muttering words, "No, no, no, that's impossible."

"What is?" Jacob asked, "Carrie, what's going on?"

"Jacob, this can't be the girl who found you on the street. She died, in two thousand fourteen, she died Jake."

"What are you talking about?" Jacob frowned, "I came home to her every day, she's much alive."

"No Jake, she died in the murder house," Carrie shook her head.

"The one that got burned down a few years ago?" Jacob frowned again, "No Carrie, you're thinking of someone else."

"Wendy Rams," Carrie said, "She died. I know that because..."

"Because what?" Jacob asked.

"A couple years ago I made a bet with two friends named Ben and Carol, I ended up loosing and I had to go into the murder house with my friend Penny and play a Ouija board. A girl named Charlie talked to me through the board-"

"Charlie?" Jacob frowned, "That's one of Wendy's friends. Charlie Max."

Carrie nodded, "Yeah, Charlie died too. There were six of them who died, only two survived. Tamina and Calum were the only two survivors."

"Tamina was murdered," Jacob said, "Wendy told me she got murdered, but they never found who did it. Calum's married now to a girl named Abbigial, I see him all the time with Michael and Sophie."

"Michael was another victim," Carrie said, "Just let me finish okay, then you can say what you have to say."

Jacob nodded.

"I played the board and I talked to Charlie, it got intense and I saw them all, all the victims. I looked them up and I found out that they were supposedly killed at the hands of a guy who had a mask on, I had heard that story. I asked her though, if she died from spirits and she said yes. Charlie Max, Wendy Rams, Jordyn Brown, Ashton Irwin, Luke Hemmings, and Michael Clifford all died in the murder house at the hands of many angry, vicious spirits. Wendy can't be the one who saved you, she died Jacob."

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