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none of this

should have ever


Tamina and Calum landed in Boston, the old town where they had lived before; the murder house was two hours from the airport. The entire ride, Tamina slept. Calum didn't ask her where she had went the night before when she appeared at the front door. He had figured it was Hope, where else would she have gone to, he knew that she wasn't close to anyone else.

"Tamina," Calum shook her shoulder. She groaned and rubbed her eyes, he smiled at how adorable she looked. "We're here."

She groaned, "But I'm tired."

"We can sleep when we get to a hotel," Calum laughed, "C'mon."

She got up and they got their stuff. They waited for all the other passengers to get off the plane. Once everyone was off, they got off as well and got something to eat.

Tamina watched as Calum stirred his drink with his straw.

"I'm sorry I left yesterday," Tamina said.

He nodded. He didn't really want to talk about it, he wanted to know what triggered her to leave like that, what she had seen, but then again, he was afraid to ask her.

"So what do we plan on doing?" he asked, "Just walking into the murder house and yelling bonjour where are the demons?"

Tamina rolled her eyes, "I don't know, I guess we just... talk to them."

"Well after you left I did some more research," Calum said, "Eva couldn't have been the one who made the deal with Kyle."

"What makes you say that?" Tamina asked.

"Because Kyle died before she did, Eva a couple years after Kyle was murdered."

"Well who died before Kyle in the house?" Tamina asked, throwing her hair up into a ponytail.

"The old lady," Calum said. At those words, Tamina felt goosebumps appear on her skin. That old lady traumatized Tamina, she occasionally still had nightmares about the time that she had locked her and Calum in her room and let other spirits come for them.

"I never thought about her," Tamina admitted, "Being anything more than a spirit."

"There's something I don't understand, if she was a demon, why did she stay in the house? Why didn't she just leave, demons can travel wherever they want."

"She doesn't like anyone in her house," Tamina said, "She was the one who built it."

"How did you know that?" he asked.

"I did some research of my own at Hope's house," Tamina said, "So let's say, Kyle made this deal with the old lady, how did he become a demon?"

"Well, I looked something else up," Calum said, "In order to make any kind of deal, you have to give the demon something they want, but there's a price with the deal as well."

"A price?"

"Time in hell," Calum said.

"So in order to bring her back to life, he had to go to hell?" Tamina felt sad. She hated to think of Kyle burning in hell, his soul being tortured until he become a tormentor himself.

"Yeah," Calum nodded.

"We need to get there now," Tamina said, getting up, "I really want some answers, I need some answers or I'm gonna go insane."

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