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make decisions for yourself

do what makes you happy

not what makes everyone else happy


"Tamina," Kyle touched his girlfriends arm. She jumped a bit and looked to her side to see him sitting in his throne next to hers, "You okay?"

She nodded, "Um, yeah, I'm fine."

"No you aren't."

She swallowed hard, "Then why do you ask?"

"To see if you'll lie," he nodded slowly, "I know that you're thinking about the cure, and of course I don't want you to do it, but.. if you want to then you should."


He nodded, "Yeah, the way that you were brought into being one of us wasn't really your decision, like it was but it was all set up by Emma and Helen and.. you just deserve a chance, to be human."

She cleared her throat, "What if my friends die once I get cured? What if the whole deal reverses once I become human?"

"It didn't the first time," he pointed out.

"You would really let me go for me to be happy?" she asked him.

He nodded, "Yeah, of course I would. That's what it means to be with someone, their happiness means more than yours."

She smiled a bit and Whitney walked into the room, "It's done."

"Are you sure?"

"She's on her way to Calum's, she seemed convinced that they have Emma and the book with them," Whitney smiled, "Have you made your decision yet?"

Tamina nodded, "Yeah, I have."

"We should get there now, to Calum's," Kyle got off his throne, "Whitney you're coming with us right?"

She nodded, "Yeah, and so is Nathan, I know you asked me not to tell him but he's on our side, I promise he is."

Tamina shook her head, "He wouldn't be able to stop it anyway. It's Emma against him, and Emma is like Paulina, me, and Helen combined together, she's the most powerful demon I've ever seen, we'll see once she becomes empress."

"Empress at only fifteen," Jamie walked into the room, "That's some shit."

"I mean she's technically like over thousands of years old," Josh said to his girlfriend, "Like us, we're all basically old, besides Whitney and Tamina."

Tamina looked over at Kyle and cleared her throat, "You guys get to Calum's, we'll be there soon, there's just some stuff I have to talk to my boyfriend about, so get out."

Whitney, Jamie, and Josh left the two alone and Kyle frowned, "What's wrong?"

"If I do the cure, why don't you do it too? Why don't all of you do it? I know Whitney wants me to do it because she wants to see the effects of it, she wants to be cured too."

"That's her," Kyle said, "Not me. I don't want to be human, neither do Josh or Jamie. There is nothing about the human world that interests me, I'll admit being able to eat was cool, but that's really it. I have no reason to walk Earth as a human, I don't have family besides my brother and we rule good down here."

"You'd have me," Tamina said.

"If you were human, don't you think that Calum would be the one you'd end up with?" he asked, "That's like Haylee suddenly coming back."

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