Kenma sets the ball and Lev missed it.

"Kenma is the brain correct?" Majesty asks seeing Kenma with an twisted look.

"Yes, Due to the players' flexibility and solid receives and digs, the Boys' Volleyball Club team is nicknamed "The Cats," which is also an allusion to the school name." Coach Nekomata stated as his arms are crossed and Coach Naoi is sitting next to them as Nekoma is going up against Karasuno for an practice match.

"Number 10 can jump really high! And he's fast but if they only use him they won't ever win." Majesty stated writing in an notebook.

"Smart girl, just like your brother" Coach Nekomata commented.

Karasuno manager comes over to Majesty.

"Are you nekoma's manager?" Kiyoko asked as Majesty studied her from head to toe.

Majesty nodded hapily as she hugged the girl.
"you're real pretty!" Majesty threw alot of compliments to Kiyoko as Kiyoko giggled.

"Thank you. You look very cute in Nekoma's manager outfit Especially the jacket, It's Adorable." Kiyoko smiled.

The whistle is heard and the teams took an time-out. Kiyoko went back to The team.

"Lev! How r u missing Kenma's sets?" Majesty complained as Kenma Snickered.
"YOU TOO! You have to simply try and make sure the ball is in Lev's hand like you have to do team work makes dream work!" Majesty yelled.

Kenma groaned with an annoyed face.

"Kenma-Chan...your expressions r so...expressionful..." Majesty sighed.
"Look I don't know much but I know that If you Lev-San stop bending your elbow too far down and you might be able to hit one of Kenma's sets but at the same time if you can't do it than use your hand that you didn't use...Yaku-San just be ready to receive the ball." Majesty explained as Yaku nodded and Lev spirit disappeared.

"Alright, let's try it out" Kuroo has his hand on his chin.

Nekoma nodded as they cheered and went back onto the court as Karasuno did the same til on of the Karasuno side line members came to Majesty.

"Hey...uh do you remember me?" Yamaguchi stuttered.

Majesty thought for a while than looked at Coach Nekomata who just shrugged as she looked back at Yamaguchi.
" the fisherman..." Majesty guessed while pointing to Yamaguchi as Yamaguchi exhaled briefly and shook his head.

"I-I am Tadashi Yamaguchi..." Yamaguchi introduced himself with a little bow.

"Why did you bow? I'm younger than you?" Majesty looked bewildered as she tilted her head at Yamaguchi who flinched.

"You're...not an small person?" Yamaguchi asked as Majesty flinched and looked down.

"...Is because how I look...don't I look like an child?!" Majesty mumbled as she teared up.
Majesty wiped her tears away.
"I promised Onii-Chan I wouldn't cry..." Majesty mumbled.

"Ah! YOU DO! YOU DO!" Yamaguchi kept bowing apologetic.

Majesty smiled softly and laughed as she stared at Yamaguchi who frowned and went back to the side lines.

"Weirdo, Broccoli head!" Majesty whispered to Coach Nekomata as he chuckled.

The practice match is over and Nekoma won.
Majesty ran to Kenma.
"Congratulations Onii-Chan- I meant Kenma-Chan! Good Job!" Majesty corrected herself.

"Thank you, Majesty" Kenma ruffled Majesty hair.
"Because of you we won" Kenma smiled softly.

"Yeah, I ACTUALLY HITTED ONE OF KENMA'S SETS NORMALLY THIS TIME!!!" Lev picked Majesty up quickly and threw her in the air repeatedly as she giggled but felt sick.

"WAIT LEV-SAN, I-I Can't I DONT FEEL SO-..." Majesty covered her mouth as she felt sick.

"Everyone duck!" Kuroo comanded everyone got away as lev kept throwing Majesty up in the air as all of her sickness came out. She puked on Lev.

Majesty groaned.
"Onii-Chan, I don't feel so good..." Majesty looked like an dead fish as Lev set her down.
"Sorry Lev-San, but you threw me to quickly and too fast...I got sick..." Majesty breathed hardly through the fact she didn't feel well.

Kenma backed up disgusted as Kuroo picked Majesty up and patted her on her back.

"you'll be okay..." Kuroo smiled as Majesty rested her head on his shoulder with her face an few inches from Kuroo's neck.

"Kuroo-Chan, I wanna go home..." Majesty winced as Kenma pat her back.

"I'll take her?" Kenma holded his hands out and Kuroo gave Majesty to him as She hugged Kenma.

"Onii-Chan, I don't feel- good..." Majesty was finna throw up but brought that shit back down.

"We're going home trust me..." Kenma sighed as they thanked each other for coming and they left but Kenma got stopped by Hinata who said something and Kenma smiled and waved as Majesty did an little wave too.

Kenma's home
Kenma lays Majesty in her animal crossing bed with her favorite home-made blanket that Kenma made her(It was an nice crotchet blanket with Yellow, Red, Black, White, Brown, and her favorite color which is blue.).
"Trust me Majesty, you just had an little Accident cause of Lev" Kenma tried to reassure Majesty who was sad.

"I know...but I puked all over him..." Majesty whimpered feom guilt.

"No, it's his fault for doing that to you." Kenma groaned.

Majesty sighed, Kenma got up and brought her Apple Pie theme Nintendo to her with 8 games laid out on her bed.

"What do you feel like today?" Kenma looked up at the excited Majesty as Kenma only let her play her Nintendo when she is sick or to keep her entertained from bothering him to death.

" I wanna go with Doki Doki Literature Club Plus!" Majesty eyes shimmered from saying that as she half way jumped out of bed from excitement.

Kenma laughs lowly as he put the game in the Apple Pie theme Nintendo Switch and gave it to her as he hugged her and turned her sleeping lamb lamp off than left the room while Pudding & Neko were in there with her sleeping.

Majesty started the game as she loved games like this but fancy Zombie games more.

Few Hours layer, 2:34am
Majesty is so far in the game still awake til she heard her door open.

"You still up should sleep..." Kenma said rubbing his eyes as Majesty knew he just had stopped staring into the tv and came to check up on her.

"I know but this game is my favorite!" Majesty was fixed on her Nintendo Switch due to the game she can't take her eyes off and Kenma snatched her Nintendo Switch and turned it off.

"I...I don't want you to become like me..." Kenma looked at Majesty with an Grave face.

"Okay Onii-Chan..." Majesty nodded as she gets comfortable and went to sleep.
To be Continued

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