The following day, Ciel invited Lady Elizabeth over for tea while inviting Majesty for no reason.

"It's lovely of you to invite me Ciel!" Elizabeth clapped her hands together.

"Yes, I wanted to spend quality time with you." Ciel responded.

"That's nice! But why am I here?" Majesty interrupted the whole greeting conversation.

"To see Elizabeth. She missed you." Ciel sighed.

Majesty looked at the beaming Elizabeth.
"Right..." Majesty questioned her beliefs.

"Wow Ciel this garden is very Beautiful!" Elizabeth admired every inch of the garden.

"You can have it if you want." Ciel offered.

"REALLY WOW THANKS CIEL!!" Elizabeth jumps and hugs Ciel while Ciel struggled to get out her grasps.

"Wait Ciel listen, You said I can have it now your fiancee can?" Majesty chuckled.

"What are you implying Majesty?" Ciel glared at Majesty as she glared back.

"Nothing Nothing!" Majesty raised her hands before immediately dropping them.

"If it's so bad you can take Grell's mess garden" Ciel pointed at the other side of the garden.

Majesty was offended and angered but she decided to ignore it and walked to the other side of the Garden.
"Sebastian get my gardening tools!" Majesty Ordered.

"Yes My Lady. Would you like your outfit too?" Sebastian asked.

"Yeah!" Majesty answered.

Sebastian quickly bowed and went to grab the outfit and tools.
Sebastian comes back with the outfit and tools, He handed them to Majesty.

"Thanks but hold this!" Majesty handed the tools back and went far enough than hid behind an bush.

"My Lady, That increases getting bit by an snake!" Sebastian stated.

Majesty rolled her eyes, "No it don't! Besides we're snake free." Majesty reminded Sebastian.

"Yes but..." Sebastian murmured.

Majesty comes from behind the bush, "So what do ya think?" Majesty asked.

"It's nice my Lady!" Sebastian answered.

"Good! Now lets get to work." Majesty clapped her hands, She takes the axe from Sebastian hands.
Majesty starts chopping down the bushes like an mad woman.

Sebastian Puts the dead bushes in an big pile for Finnian to clean.

After Many Hours Later

Majesty & Sebastian had that whole side of the Garden cleared and cleaned.

"Ask Finnian to mow the grass, than I'm gonna see my whole idea of how I want this." Majesty requests.

"Yes My Lady." Sebastian bows quickly while Majesty leaves in her thoughts.
Sebastian finds Finnian and scares him.


"My My Shut Up!" Sebastian shook his head.
"Our Lady, wants you to mow the grass quickly but take your time" Sebastian respoke Majesty's words.

"Oh okay!" Finnian nodded in agreement as he threw tge last bush over and head to get the lawn mower.


"Right away Master!" Sebastian went inside to grab the tea.

15 minutes Later

Majesty & Sebastian are standing outside while Ciel & Elizabeth went inside.

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