A whole fight escalated, and just when Kenma was gonna hit Akaashi, Kuroo came and stopped him as the rest of Fukurodani came along with the rest of Nekoma.

"OI! Kenma! Relax..." Kuroo tried to calm Kenma who was still ready to pounce.

"AGAAAASHI WHAT HAPPENED?!?!" Bokuto looked at the half-way angry Akaashi.
Bokuto looked at Akaashi hands as Majesty who just woke up stretched but put an hand on her eye.
"HEY KUROO-BROO LOOK MAJESTY IS HERE!!" Bokuto told Kuroo who realized something bad could've happened.

Kuroo rushed to the still holding her left eye.

"Kuroo-Chan!" Majesty whined reaching for Kuroo as he picked Majesty up.
"Kuroo-Chan, my eye it hurts..." Majesty whimpered as Kuroo looked at Majesty.

"Let me see..." Kuroo moved Majesty hands and her left eye has a big long scratch on it.
Kuroo looked at Akaashi and Kenma.
"You guys were fighting...but Akaashi WHY WOULD YOU HOLD HER IF YOU GUYS ARE FIGHTING!?!?!" Kuroo looked at both Kenma and Akaashi who holded there head down in shame as they didn't see the cut.
"BOKUTO CALL THE AMBULANCE!!!" Kuroo shouted at Bokuto who was confused and looked at Majesty's eye and gasps.
"BOKUTO!!!" Kuroo looked at the stunned Bokuto as Kuroo knew that it was now bad.

"What's wrong? Is my face dirty?" Majesty said feeling her face as it was bleeding.
"I'm bleeding...my eye...imIT HURTS!!!" Majesty started crying as blood came out of her left eye.

"Sh...it's okay..." Kuroo comforted the Majesty who still was sobbing.

People start coming outside as they heard Majesty cry but it was alittle muffled.

Kenma seen Majesty's eye and a wave of guilt goes through him, as Akaashi felt the same.
"NO NO NO MAJESTY I'M SORRY!!" Kenma ran to Majesty trying to grab her but she pushed herself on Kuroo trying to get away and Kuroo understood and backed up.

"Let's wait..." Kuroo sighed.

"What happened? What-" Daichi walked up to Kuroo as Majesty looked at him but her eye was bleeding more and more.
"SUGAWARA QUICK CALL AN AMBULANCE!!" Daichi ordered Sugawara as Sugawara came to see what was wrong and gasps as he did what Daichi told him to do.

The ambulance got there and took Majesty to the hospital and now she is just resting.

"Where are her relatives?" The Doctor asks holding his clipboard as Kenma standed up.

"I am..." Kenma spoke up as the doctor gestured for Kenma to go into the room.

Kenma looks at the sleeping Majesty with an patch over her left eye.

"So...it seems that trauma of something got into her head as it caused Nightmares, do you have anything going at home?" The Doctor asked Kenma who looked back at the doctor.

"What are you saying? Are you saying that we abused her or something?!" Kenma protested as the Doctor flinched and denied that was not what he was trying to say.
"But...yes she has Nightmares and it occurs not every night but sometimes." Kenma remembered.

"Okay...but the blow to her caused too much damage, so she practically has a few memory loss so when she wakes up she probably won't know you but that was all so I'll let you have your time with her." The doctor explained.

Kenma nodded staying quiet as the doctor leaves.
Kenma sat next to Majesty on her bed as her chest was rising.
"I'm sorry Majesty...please forgive me..." Kenma started crying hugging the sleeping body as the body groaned and Majesty opened her eye to see pudding hair along with an shampoo smell of Apple Pies.

"Who are you?" Majesty pushed the crying boy off of her.

"MAJESTY!!!" Kenma hugged Majesty as she tried getting out of his grip.

"AAAAAAAAAA HELP ME ONII-CHAN!!!" Majesty screamed making Kenma shock.

"I'm right here..." Kenma put his hands on Majesty's cheeks.

No...I don't remember who my Onii-Chan is" Majesty claimed as Kenma sighed giving up in defeat and left the room.

Kuroo than knocks coming in.
"Hey...Chibi-Chan?" Kuroo sat next to Majesty as Majesty tilted her head.

"Who r u?" Majesty asked Kuroo who simply giggled nervously.

"I'm Tetsuro Kuroo, I'm your Onii-Chan soon to be husband. Which makes me your brother in-law" Kuroo said quickly.

"...okay Onii-San..." Majesty said hesitantly as she hugged Kuroo.
"Where is Onii-Chan?" Majesty asked Kuroo who chuckled.

"He came in here already?" Kuroo was confused as how Majesty didn't know.

Majesty gasped as she unplugged everything that was on her and ran down the hall leaving Kuroo in the room.
"ONII-CHAN" Majesty ran and hugged Kenma who was shocked by the sudden impact.
"IM SORRY!" Majesty cried as Kenma hugged her back.
To be Continued

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