In Ciel's Cinematic Record

Ciel appears in a limbo world encompassed by small clips from a Cinematic Record. Angela's voice is interluded and she is left to tell him that it is his mere past. He reaches out to one and it opens up to the time he found his father, sitting dead in a chair surrounded by fire. Angela appears and reveals that she adjusted Vincent's head to contain a part of Rachel Phantomhive's face as well.

Outside of the Record

Sebastian and Grell appear in the Grim Reaper's world and proceed to the library. Once inside, they are greeted by William T. Spears, and he takes note that the angel is not leaving.

With Ciel

Ciel wakes up in the library and comments that the priest's hand that touched him was his father's and asks if she killed him. She was able to create the twisted Rachel/Vincent man who acted as the priest by changing the Cinematic Records she stole.

Ciel returns to the clip that showed the mansion burning and his parents appear to encourage him to go along with Angela's plan to rewrite his past, and they soothe his worries.

Outside Of the Record

William, Grelle, and Sebastian burst in, and Angela is holding Ciel while his Cinematic Record surrounds him. She tells them that she is currently rewriting his past to "purify" him. Sebastian tries to interfere, but William tells him that he cannot, as Ciel's past will not be fixed by doing that.

"Either way. I can't let you interfere..." Majesty popped in.

"Majesty! You want Ciel's Record to be purified?" Grell asked.

"Yes. Angela says that will ease his and my worries and..." Majesty looked down to the floor ashamed.
"It'll make us happy!" Majesty stepped back as Sebastian and William realized what happened already.

"My Lady, If you please remember the gift Ciel gave u, the gift Finnian, Baldroy, Mey-Rin, and Tanaka gave u" Sebastian is on one knee with his hand on his chest.

"Yes what about them?" Majesty shrugged.

"You seen Ciel smile for the first time, Right on your birthday." Sebastian reminded Majesty but it had no effect.

"So? Basically you're saying that we are happy but we aren't now that's confusing. ANGELA I FEEL CONFUSED NOW MAY I HAVE SOME MORE OF THAT CALMING MEDICINE??" Majesty went to Angela who smiled giving her some more.
"Thank you" Majesty took an Few deep breathes.

Entranced, Ciel approaches his parents, but when they speak in a similar manner to Angela, he refuses to abandon the hate he feels for his parents' killers. This ruins the mirage Angela created and they disappear. This fixes his past from Angela's attempts to change it and he awakens.

Grell, William, and Sebastian prepare to face her when Undertaker appears pushing a book cart, and William reveals that he is a legendary Grim Reaper. Angela takes the opportunity to escape back to the convent, and appears in her angel form to them, taking Majesty with her, much to their shock and surprise.

Back in the library, a book falls out of the bookcase and turns to a page out of its own accord. William identifies it as the Cinematic Record of the humans in the convent and it states that an angel is there to kill them. Ciel asks Undertaker to stop her, and he pulls out a pink bookmark called the Death Bookmark, which can temporarily stop the development of the story. They can also use a pen to rewrite the story, and he sends Sebastian there to stop her.

Grell and William appear to help, with William giving Grelle a loaned Death Scythe. Angela continues the assault anyway, and Grell and William retreat, but leave their Death Scythes behind to continue to hold her against the wall.

"Angela!" Majesty ran to her but Angela stopped her.

"Do not interfere my Dear, we'll meet again." Angela smiled as Majesty eyes relaxed and turned dull as she passes out.

Sebastian hurries and carries Majesty out of the place.

The convent collapses, killing those who did not retreat. Ciel offers his soul up to Sebastian, but he does not take it, as all of those responsible for Rachel and Vincent's death are not dead.

Back at Undertaker's shop, Undertaker offers to show Ciel his parents' Cinematic Records, but he turns the offer down.

They went back to the mansion, Sebastian and Ciel were in Majesty's room as she woke up but didn't move, her eyes was as dull as an empty blue sky it darkened.

"So she did all of this cause she wanted to see me smile but because I treated her badly?" Ciel repeated as Sebastian nodded.

"Yes indeed it seems as Angela put her under something to soothe her pain." Sebastian added.

"When will she wake up?" Ciel asked.

"My Lord, it seems that from the wounds and that medication or spell she was under...she isn't sleeping or dead but she will die if Angela doesn't awaken her...she is in an deep sleep coma." Sebastian prescribed as Ciel winced quietly.


"Ofc My Lord." Sebastian leaves the room but Ciel put his head to Majesty's hand as she just stared.

"Can you hear me?" Ciel asks but only to receive silence.
"If you can I'm sorry I treated you that way but you were being an brat, rude, and disrespectful to me." Ciel threw some facts to her.

"Well Well Well" Angela appears and Majesty sat up quickly.

"Angela" Majesty pointed to the window but Ciel couldn't see her as Majesty's eyes lightened.
"ANGELA!!" Majesty trips over the bed as she ran to the window only to fall out but Ciel caught her.

Ciel struggles to keep her from falling but he sees Pluto.
"PLUTO!" Ciel called out to the dog who looked up and transformed into his demonhound form than ran to the window.
"Catch her!" Ciel lets Majesty go as she fell and Pluto caught her.

'Why me!" Ciel clunched his head and sat to the floor in distress.
To Be Continued

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