Ciel is having the Ludlow Castle turned into a hotel, but believing the ghosts are in there, the workers want to stop working and completely terminate the contract; so to Ciel's annoyance, he scoops out to investigate.

"Majesty, you must come with me. I don't want you dead when we come back." Ciel thought of the servants as he sighed

"Yes, I will be right behind you." Majesty said as she finished packing.

"My Lord, we are ready to go." Sebastian comes back.

Once entering inside the castle, they are reprimanded by Edward V for trespassing. Ciel apologizes for his rudeness and informs him that the castle now belongs to him. Edward notes that his brother is fascinated by Sebastian, and they agree to play chess. If Ciel is to win, they will leave the castle; if Edward is to win, they keep Sebastian.

"Ciel, can we not do this? I don't want Sebastian to be with them!" Majesty clung onto Sebastian as he chuckled.

"Don't worry, it will be fine." Ciel tried to reassure Majesty who sighed as her green dress glows in the candle light.

" Ciel tried to reassure Majesty who sighed as her green dress glows in the candle light

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"If you want to stay with Sebastian, we'll take you too." Edward chuckled mischievously.

Majesty stuck her tongue out disgusted.
"This place is dusty!" Majesty touched the top of the Fireplace.

"Relax My..." Sebastian looks at Majesty's eyes as they are glowing really brightly but it isn't's white.

"Don't worry Sebastian! Ciel will win! Because I'm the only one that can beat Ciel!" Majesty reassured Sebastian for no reason as he wasn't worried.

However, despite telling Ciel to play fair, he cheats and morphs one of the chess pieces, allowing him to win. When Ciel calls him on this, he glows dark blue and angrily denies it, saying that he was just using his piece to the maximum potential. Sebastian agrees, saying Ciel was tied by superficial rules, which calms Edward. Ciel concedes, telling Sebastian to care for them with all of his heart.


"I lost the game fairly." Ciel reminded Majesty who sighed.

"Uhm Brother! I want the girl as our maid?" Richard asked.

"Ah yes we will be taking her too." Edward reached for Majesty but she moves.

"Sorry Lil buddy but no" Majesty stuck her tongue out innocently as Richard looked down sad.
"Sorry I'm not an baby lover, I'm more of an animal lover" Majesty chuckled.

"You will stay here with us, we won." Edward tries to use the game.

"No, as what I heard you wanted Sebastian, Not me so...yea" Majesty rolled her eyes as Edward growled lowly annoyed.

Edward tells Ciel to come back and play again, and then leaves with Sebastian and Richard.

The following day, Richard is fascinated by Sebastian, following around to his chores. Sebastian tries to take the skull, so Richard can change, but Richard refuses to give it up. When Sebastian seems disinterested in the skull, he becomes more interested in sharing information about it.

Elsewhere in the manor, Ciel reads more about Richard's and Edward's deaths, when Edward interrupts. He poses the questions Ciel is thinking, but says he cannot answer them.

At dinner, they toast their new friendship, but Ciel is notably annoyed by Sebastian's ignorance of him and Edward's and Richard's claim on Sebastian. That night, Ciel struggles with tying a shoelace when Sebastian appears, but only because he was ordered to care for "the guest."

"SEBASTIAN!!!!" Majesty jumps on Sebastian.

"I apologize Majesty but I am loyal to my Masters." Sebastian refers to Edward and Richard.

Majesty smirked looking at Sebastian and let go.
"Okay! Do whatever" Majesty went to Ciel and whispered something in his ear making Ciel face gets more mischievous but than it relaxes.
Majesty sits down and finished her food and drink.

Ciel then follows Edward, with Sebastian opening a false bookcase for him. Down in the crypt, Edward sadly states that he would like to see Richard go to heaven, meaning, he would like to obtain Richard's skull.

"Wow that's tough mate." Majesty bluntly says til she realized and covered her mouth.

"Don't worry about it, I don't mind" Edward shook his head as they went back.

Sebastian grabs Richard, and upset, Edward asks why they cannot be nicer, but Ciel merely mocks him for letting the problem fester for 200 years. Sebastian then takes the skull, and Richard's cries upset Edward. However, when he tries to attack, he misses, and when he looks up at Richard, he remembers their murders.

When Ciel refuses to stop, he tries to order Sebastian as well, but Sebastian states that his contract is with Ciel alone. Ciel places Richard's skull on the chess board, but nothing happens. Richard reveals that it was not his skull and they remember the night of their murders. When they let go of their hatred and sadness, they begin to shine, bid Ciel and Sebastian farewell, then fade away.

"This some freaky a-" Majesty didn't say anymore as Ciel glared at her.
"BUT WE HAVE SEBASTIAN BACK NOW!!" Majesty jumped on Sebastian's back.
"For leaving you must let me stay on you forever!!!" Majesty shouted as Sebastian chuckled alittle bit.

"As you wish My Lady" Sebastian replied.

Ciel creates tombstones for them, then goes back on his promise to keep the castle as it was. Ciel then looks to the sky when the voice of Edward is heard laughingly calling Ciel a liar.


"Yeah, If I may ask what would you like ur topping to be?" Sebastian asked as they went to the manor.

"Strawberries!" Majesty yelled.
To Be Continued

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