"WOOHOO WE ARE HERE!!" Majesty cheered happily as Kenma sighed as he didn't want to be there.

At the Sumida City Gymnasium in Tokyo, the Nekoma team gets word that the girls' volleyball game is about to end and they will be next to take the court. Kuroo looks over the team and goes over how if they win the semi-finals they will advance to the finals and earn their way to Nationals. He encourages them to play as they usually do.

Just then, Suguru Daishō of Nohebi Academy approaches the Nekoma team and mocks them for being a team that simply relies on high levels of teamwork and defense; adding that they lack decisiveness. Yamamoto instantly becomes annoyed with the Nohebi team captain. Kuroo tries to calm Yamamoto until he becomes annoyed with Suguru when he says that Kuroo's hairstyle is the real reason he may be so tall and may not actually be six feet in height. Kuroo right away claims that he does not do such sneaky things and counters Suguru's taunts by revealing that he is aware Suguru's girlfriend, Mika Yamaka, recently dumped him and that Suguru may be too heartbroken to play. Suguru instantly denies these claims and tries to say that he was the one who ended the relationship.

"Daisho!" Majesty jumped on the snake as the snake moved around as the little girl surprised him.

"Who tf are you?" Daisho finally managed to get the girl off of him.

"I am Majesty, Nekoma's manager but I'm a fan of many teams" Majesty chuckled.

Daisho thought and smirked as he picked Majesty up.
"Are you an fan of us?" Daisho asked Majesty who smiled widen.

"No I'm acting. I kinda gotta act so we could be on a good start." Majesty replied bluntly as Nekoma snickered as Daisho put Majesty down.

Lev suddenly appears and looms over Suguru while stating that what Nekoma normally does is different this year. His bold appearance is cut short when Yaku questions Lev why he takes so long during bathroom breaks. Suguru and Kuroo soon depart after promising to face each other in the finals.

As the team moves into the gym, Kenma notices Kuroo's nerves. Kuroo does not deny he is nervous due to who they are playing against first.

"WE ARE GOING AGAINST BOKU-CHAN AND AKA-CHAN!!!" Majesty yelled as she looked at the stands to see Alisa and Akane who were waving.

"HEY MAJESTY!!!" Alisa and Akane yelled as they waved.

At a sudden cheer, the Fukurōdani team appears and is led onto the court by Bokuto. Cheers begin growing louder from the Nekoma side as the cheer section is led into a cheer by Yamamoto's younger sister, Akane Yamamoto. Yaku muses how Akane seems to be as fired up as always. Yamamoto, though grateful for his sister's cheers, seems slightly embarrassed. Yaku then notices Lev's older sister, Alisa Haiba, as she cheers for her brother, calling him by his nickname, Levochka, and excitedly praises her to be as beautiful as ever.

As the game is about to begin, Kuroo leads the team through the Nekoma mantra. On Fukurōdani's side, Yukie approaches Akaashi and questions if they should use their usual tactic of telling Bokuto they overheard a girl in the stands say how amazing he is in order to get him as pumped up as possible. Noticing how focused Bokuto is, Akaashi turns down the idea while saying that today may be a day that it is not needed.

"Remember guys! We are going to win this and make that Owl smile upside down!" Majesty pointed to Bokuto as she always wanted to win an game against Bokuto fairly but has to wait.

"Yeah, we will" Kuroo reassured Majesty who wasn't stressed at all.

The game begins and Sarukui delivers the first serve. Yaku easily receives and sends the ball to Kenma. He sends the set to Kuroo who scores past a single blocker. Konoha receives Yamamoto's serve and as Akaashi prepares to set he muses how it has been a while since they have started off with such little hesitation. He sets to Bokuto as Kuroo and Kai hurry to block. Despite the double block, Bokuto spikes the ball with enough force that it is sent into the stands and caught by Akane. As Bokuto is praised by the Fukurōdani cheer section, Kuroo remarks how the ace is able to draw the crowd in.

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