"Master, I couldn't find an cure...Or Angela" Sebastian is on one knee.

Ciel sighed as he looks out his window.
"Check on her. She literally fell out of an window yesterday." Ciel fidgets with his ring.

"Yes My Lord." Sebastian gets up and leaves to go check on Majesty when he opened the door, he sees Mey-Rin, Finnian, Baldroy, and Pluto with her.
"What are you doing?" Sebastian asks walking to them.


"She can't hear you." Sebastian Implied.

"Yes she can! Look" Finnian demostrated by saying something and Majesty would nod.

"Say something negative." Sebastian queried.

"okay" Finnian agreed, He said soemthing negative like an negative question and Majesty shook her head with her face and eyes still dull.

"See!" Mey-Rin giggles.

"I see, Young Master, and I are going out please do not destroy the place." Sebastian annouced, The Servants nodded determined that they weren't going to destroy or mess up anything.
Sebastian & Ciel Left

With Sebastian & Ciel

Ciel decides they should find out why the man was killed, to gain a better idea of what they're looking into. They go see Lau, who controls the area where the corpse was found, who initially pretends to know what they're talking about, but forces Ciel to explain.

Elsewhere, Fred Abberline searches for information on John Stanley.

At Lau's residence, he tells Ciel someone else has been selling a more powerful drug called Lady Blanc, which reminds Ciel of Angela. However, neither he nor Ran-Mao has heard of Stanley. Ciel then requests that Lau spread a rumor that Ciel had obtained something important from Stanley's body because whoever took the item off of the corpse would begin to suspect the authenticity of the item and will target Ciel. Upon hearing this reasoning, Lau agrees and sends one of his men out to do so.

The child who found Stanley's body attempts to approach Fred but is stopped by Ash.

With Majesty & The Servants

"Majesty, do you like Angela?" Finnian asks.

Majesty nodded.

"Do you trust her?" Mey-Rin Inquired.

Majesty nodded again.

"Do you want to tell us something she did?" Finnian questions Majesty even more than usually.

Majesty shook her head.

"Why?" Finnian asked.

Majesty stayed silent, Finnian realized and smacked his mouth.

"IM SORRY I FORGOT!!" Finnian apologized to Majesty.

Majesty nodded, She laid down on her pillow looking at the ceiling.

"Are you tired?" Baldroy asked.

"Ho Ho Ho" Tanaka said.

"You're right, lets let her rest. Pluto you too! You can't be trusted alone up here!" Finnian scolded, Pluto eventually left the room with everyone by force.

Majesty takes deep breathes as she falls asleep.

Back With Ciel & Sebastian

At the Scotland Yard office, Ash is sitting in Randall's chair, much to his annoyance, and Ash says he has a message.

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