Mey-Rin's past is shown, where she was hired by Sebastian Michaelis to become a maid. For some reason, she left her job as a sniper and agreed to work for Ciel Phantomhive.

Presently, Ciel seems distressed, so the staff decides to cheer him up by doing their jobs particularly well that day, but as usual, they all mess up and Sebastian steps in to fix it. Based on his reflections, Ciel seems down due to Abberline's recent death.

Curious, the servants approach Elizabeth Midford to ask what Ciel was like before they came to work for him. Elizabeth describes the manor as being a place filled with laughter, so the servants and Elizabeth decide to recreate this for Ciel.

Returning to the manor, Elizabeth requests that Ciel teach her how to play chess, which he agrees to do. Sebastian begins to play violin for them, which annoys Ciel but pleases Elizabeth. While playing, he continues to contemplate the recent events and the upcoming exposition.

Outside, gunmen are attacking the staff, who the servants work on taking down. Baldroy's past is shown, where he was a sergeant in an army, and Sebastian eventually approached him to come work for Ciel. Finnian's past reveals that he underwent constant injections to give him superhuman strength, which frightened Finnian. After an injection, Sebastian approached him and offered him great pay, but Finnian stated that he just wanted to be outside, shocking Sebastian.

After a while, the attackers become frightened and flee the estate. When the servants approach Ciel, who is coming down for dinner, all of them smile widely, which seems to amuse him.

With Angela & Majesty

"Angela, why are we going back?" Majesty asks Angela while she is packing something in an bag.

"Because for this to work. We need an plan, I'm sorry Majesty but you must go back..." Angela looks at Majesty, She got up and handed Majesty the bag.

"But...I'll be paralyzed without you!" Majesty very much understood the situation.

"No you won't, just take this and you should be good." Angela holds up an pill bottle.
"If you take it everyday before 12pm you shall be okay." Angela prescribed.

"Promise?" Majesty looked up at Angela who had the look of delightful.

"Promise" Angela promised Majesty by pinking locking with her.

Majesty sighed.

"Do you not want to go back? All you have to do is act normal til I come back." Angela chuckled lowly.

"Yeah, but I Shouldn't be sad. I'll do this for you!" Majesty smiled brightly, Angela giggled.

Angela drops Majesty at the door and rings the doorbell before quickly taking off.

The door opens and it's Sebastian who opens it.

"I-...I'm free now..." Majesty hesitantly spoke, She was holding her hands behind her back because of how nervous she was.

Sebastian quickly hugged her.
"Welcome back My Lady." Sebastian whispered in Majesty's ear still hugging her.

Majesty hugs back but tears falls from her eyes as she sniffles.
"I'm glad to be back..." Majesty whimpered trying to hold in her sobs.

"Lets surprise everyone." Sebastian suggested opening the door more as Majesty walks in the place.

"It hasn't changed an bit." Majesty looks around the whole mansion with an smile.

Pluto comes running and jumped on her.

"Ahahaha!" Majesty laughs as Pluto licks her.
"IM GLAD TO SEE YOU TOO PLUTO!!" Majesty ruffles Pluto's hair, Sebastian got Pluto off of her and she got up.

"Lets surprise Mey-Rin first" Sebastian advised.

Majesty nodded, She goes to look in Mey-Rin's room to not see her there so she went to the dining room to see her putting up plates.
Majesty sneaks behind her waiting for her to notice.

Mey-Rin climbs down the latter than turned around for an quick second but didn't notice Majesty til she second looked.
Mey-Rin squealed loudly hugging Majesty.
"MAJESTY I MISSED YOU SO MUCH!!" Mey-Rin sobbed hugging Majesty tighter while Majesty hugs her back.

"I missed you too Mey-Rin" Majesty had an tear fall from her face but she quickly wipes it.

"WE MUST TELL CIEL!!!" Mey-Rin tried to drag Majesty to Ciel's office only for Majesty to not move.

"No, I want to surprise everyone than Ciel" Majesty decided.

"Oh! Okay!" Mey-Rin lets go of Majesty and went to continue her chores.

"Lets surprise Finnian next" Majesty snickered while going to the back of the Mansion.
Majesty looks around to see Finnian picking stuff up.
Majesty went behind Finnian and played with him for an little while twisting and turning.

Finnian finally found her.
"MAJESTY!!" Finnian shouted hugging Majesty tightly but tighter than Mey-Rin's grip and she almost died.

"Finnian, I-I can't breathe" Majesty voice sounded raspy as Finnian looked at her and let her go.

"Sorry, We missed you that's all!" Finnian chuckled.

"I missed you guys too. But please refrain from hugging me too tightly I can still die by that" Majesty advised while Finnian nodded happily.

"We MUST TELL EVERYONE ELSE!" Finnian drags Majesty only to be stopped by Sebastian.

"Now Now, Your job here isn't done. You must finish throwing ur trash" Sebastian drags Finnian to his work while winking at Majesty.

Majesty smiled and quickly went to the kitchen to see Baldroy sleeping.
Majesty smirked, she got her trumpet and got real close to Baldroy and blew it hard as Baldroy jumps up looking at Majesty.

"MAJESTY! How are u here?" Baldroy looked Majesty up and down.

"I...escaped." Majesty lied.

"But how are you not paralyzed?" Baldroy squinted his eyes.

"I...tricked her and she took the curse off so basically I backstabbed her..." Majesty quickly came up with an lie.

"Oh...Who cares We're happy to have you back" Baldroy patted Majesty on the back.

Majesty giggled and left Baldroy while he went back to sleep.

'Tanaka should probably be somewhere around-' Majesty couldn't think for she tripped over someone or something.
"Ah! Sorry!" Majesty apologized as she looked up at the person to see Tanaka.

"Ho Ho Ho" Tanaka hugged Majesty with his nice green tea.

Majesty hugged back.
"Hey Tanaka! I'm glad to see you again!" Majesty chuckled.

"Ho Ho Ho" Tanaka responded.

"Is Ciel in his office?" Majesty asks breaking out of the hug.

"Ho Ho Ho" Tanaka says nodding.

"Thank you!" Majesty gave Tanaka an kiss on the cheek and left.

Only to get stopped by Sebastian.

"If you want to surprise Young Master you should bring his favorite tea to him" Sebastian suggested.

"Okay!" Majesty agreed, She hurried and make her favorite Ciel's tea that's homemade by her.

Majesty goes to Ciel's office and knocks on the door.

"Come in" Ciel says as Majesty opens the door.
"Sebastian, If you brought my tea put it on the table and leave." Ciel annouced.

"Yes My Lord" Sebastian bows and smirked as Majesty walks to Ciel's desk.

Majesty sat down as Ciel turns around and took an sip of his tea but spotted Majesty and swallowed the tea quickly.

"HOW- YOU-?!" Ciel was shocked by the Beautiful figure he seen.

"Hi Ciel...I'm home!" Majesty smiled brightly.
To Be Continued

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