Warning: This will be an long chapter so I advise you to like either skip this one or skip remember where you were.
The Next Day

"YAYYYYY HURRY UP ONII-CHAN WE GET TO SEE HINATA!!!!" Majesty rushed her brother who was packing everything she needed cause If he didn't he'll would've broke loose if she got hungry and stuff.

"Either way Majesty we have to wait for Kuroo..." Kenma focused on preparing her bag as Majesty was all ready to go.

Majesty was wearing her Karasuno #10 hoodie just for hinata, with some tiger tights along with Kirishima socks and white and black sneakers along with Rengoku earrings and had her hair in an ponytail with an nice apple pie eyepatch.

"Kuroo-Chan is an slow poke!!" Majesty pouted energized.

Kenma giggles "well we are...WAIT YOURE RIGHT WE ARE LITERALLY NEXT DOOR TO EACH OTHER" Kenma realized as he walked out the door with the little girl seeing Kuroo walking in slow motion like an sloth.
"Kuroo, let's go." Kenma gestures for Kuroo to hurry up cause Majesty was hopping up and down.

Kuroo catched up and but Majesty on his shoulders.
"Hey Majesty, how come you are so happy?" Kuroo asked the disappointed Majesty as she was completely ready to knock some sense into Kuroo.

"Well Karasuno is going up against Shiratorizawa and I wanna see them!" Majesty answered.

"Oh wow...they got that far? They even beat Aoba Johsai?! Wow tough opponents but don't worry we are going up against them soon." Kuroo mentioned making Majesty grip his hair.

"You're what? And you decided not to tell me!" Majesty pulled Kuroo's hair.

"Ow! Come on stop that!!" Kuroo tries to get Majesty off of him but she doesn't budge.


They get on the bus and head to the place.
They make it and went to sit on Karasuno side.

"Onii-Chan, may I go say hi to Yachi and Onee-San?" Majesty asked Kenma who was focused on his Nintendo waiting for the game to start and he nodded.
Majesty heads down to Yachi and Saeko.
"HI Yachi-Chan, Onee-Chan!" Majesty waved at the two as Yachi waved back and Saeko swooped Majesty up giving her an big hug smothering her.
"Onee-Chan!!! I can't breathe" Majesty managed to say getting smashed by Saeko chest.

"Oh sorry Majesty" Saeko put Majesty down.
"Wait did you come here by yourself?" Saeko asked suspiciously.

"No, my Onii-Chan and Kuroo-Chan are up there!" Majesty pointed to the top and Kuroo waved.

"Oh! Well I'm glad for an second I thought you actually came here by yourself but uhm before the game starts I believe that Karasuno is not on the court yet so how about we go take an trip to visit them?" Saeko knew that would be breaking the rules but didn't care.

"Okay! KUROO-CHAN IF ONII-CHAN LOOKS FOR ME TELL HIM IM WITH ONEE-CHAN TO GO SAY HI TO HINATA!!" Majesty yelled and Kuroo showed an thumbs up saying he heard her.
"Okay let's go!" Majesty grabbed Saeko hand holding it as they left with Yachi behind.

"They don't see us?" Takinoue asks Shimada.
"You see me?" Takinoue looked at Shimada.

"Yeah I see you! You see me?" Shimada replied.

"Hell yeah" Takinoue nodded.

With Majesty and Saeko
"HEY GUYS!!!!" Majesty walked up to them with Saeko.

"BIG SIS!!! MAJESTY!!" Nishinoya and Tanaka said at the same time.

Majesty runs to them and Nishinoya and Tanaka runs to her as they froze when the little girl ran pass them hugging Hinata.
"Hi Hinata-Chan" Majesty grinned happily hugging Hinata who hugged her back.
"Sugawara-Chan! Are you gonna be in it too?" Majesty asked Sugawara who shrugged sadly.

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