A string of attacks have broken out, resulting in men being stripped and hung upside down with a note attached that insults Britain. This has plagued the Scotland Yard, as they have yet to catch the culprit. Ciel Phantomhive, overhearing this, decides to solve the case himself.

Ciel and Sebastian go to East End to find information from local Indians, and instead, get involved in a fight when one claims Ciel broke his ribs after merely bumping into him. Soma Asman Kadar and Agni enter, looking for someone, when they notice a duel taking place. Soma sends Agni out to attack them. Ciel angrily asks them why they're being attacked for merely passing through. Soma, upon hearing this, sends Agni out to defeat his fellow Indians instead.

That night, Lau arrives at the manor to visit Ciel, and Soma and Agni follow in afterward, stating they will stay there because they saved them earlier. The following morning, Soma tries to play with Ciel, but he refuses. Soma and Agni follow him around to his lessons when Soma decides that if he wins in a fencing duel, Ciel will have to play with him. However, Soma doesn't understand fencing, causing him to move in, easily. When Agni sees that his master might get hit, he stops Ciel. Agni and Sebastian then fence in their masters' places, with the match ending in a draw.

"Please keep it down Onii-Chan..." Majesty opened the door as Soma runs to her scaring her.
Majesty screams as Soma stopped infront of her.
"Who might you be?" Majesty asked as she moves her hand away from Soma.

"You finally apologized?" Ciel mentioned as Majesty looks at Ciel and realized what she came for.

"Yes, I apologize for my behavior Onii-Chan it was rude of me and I beg for your forgiveness." Majesty agreed with Ciel who eyes widen.
"Thank you for letting me say that and Good Evening Visitors. My name is Majesty Phantomhive and If you need anything just ask." Majesty bows and leaves the room.

"She is pretty, your sister is nothing like you. Maybe I might ask her to play with me." Soma put an hand on his chin.

"Stay away from her Soma." Ciel demanded.

Sebastian then leaves to prepare for dinner, taking over Baldroy's job, much to his chagrin. Agni offers to help, and is able to find a use for all of the servants, which makes them all quite happy, and stuns Sebastian.

"Sebastian, please bring Sébastien to my bathroom for his bath where ever he is." Majesty asked Sebastian who nodded.

Sebastian went to look for Sébastien, He looked around the whole mansion to see no sign of Sébastien.
Sebastian looks outside where Pluto is too see him snacking on something.
"What r you snacking on?" Sebastian surprises Pluto as he flinches.

Pluto drops an head bone.

Sebastian realizes and he sighed.
"I'll let Majesty decide ur punishment, she won't be so happy." Sebastian turns around as Pluto whimpered.

Sebastian knocks on Majesty's door.

"Come in" Majesty yells as Sebastian opened the door to see Majesty staring out her window.
"Sebastian where is Sébastien?" Majesty asks.

"I'm sorry My Lady but Pluto ate him." Sebastian told Majesty who was calm.

"I see..." Majesty exhaled as she walked downstairs to Pluto.

Pluto comes whimpering at her feet.

Majesty drags Pluto by his tail and throws him over the gate.
"Don't come back til you learn not to eat animals!" Majesty threatened as she exhaled frustratedly.
Majesty went back into her room.

That evening, Soma reveals that he's looking for a woman named Mina, a servant who is very important to him. Ciel mocks this, but agrees to finally play with Soma. However, Soma states that he is very busy, and leaves the manor with Agni to look for Mina.

When they return, Soma goes to bed, but Agni leaves again, something Sebastian anticipated.

Agni leaves the townhouse at night without Soma, something which Sebastian informs Ciel and Lau of. Soma bursts in, aware of him going out, and they decide to follow him to Harold West Jeb's house.

Once inside, they overhear Harold and Agni talking about Mina, causing Soma to burst in. However, Agni obeys Harold's orders instead and moves in to attack Soma. Sebastian, in disguise, goes to his rescue, and Lau, Ciel, Sebastian and Soma escape the townhouse.

Back at the townhouse, Soma throws a fit, breaking Ciel's new tea set, upset that everyone has abandoned him. However, Sebastian chases him down and reprimands him for being so childish. After calming down, they return to tea and speculate that Harold West Jeb is having Agni enter the upcoming Curry Fair so he can get a Royal Warrant in return for Mina's safe return. They further decide that Agni must have done the attacks, so as to eliminate the competition, which Ciel finds boring. Ciel decides that since he traveled all the way to London, he will get something out of it by having Sebastian win the Royal Warrant instead.

As Agni is an excellent maker of curry, Sebastian goes to work to try and make a competition-worthy curry, with Soma and the servants acting as his taste testers. After many attempts, Sebastian assures Ciel on the morning of the competition that he can and will win.

At the competition, Soma finds Mina, who mocks him for thinking she would like to return with him. Angela approaches one of the competitors and gives them an ingredient to use in the competition.

As the judges try to begin the competition, Queen Victoria arrives.

Queen Victoria arrives and after a brief speech given by her aide, Ash Landers, the judges declare that the competition can now begin.

Soma sits out from watching the competition, sad about missing Mina, and Agni worries this means Soma won't forgive him. The competitors work quickly, and in the judging phase, Sebastian's and Agni's curries are highly praised.

While the judges deliberate, Ciel approaches Soma and asks why he has abandoned Agni. Elsewhere, Agni cries at knowing how Mina crushed the prince, and she merely mocks him, saying her life is so much better now that she's a wife of a wealthy man.

Mina is attracted by a particular curry, the one Angela's secret ingredient went into, and seems surprised by the taste. At the judging table, Ash asks Sebastian to bring over a sample of curry bread for Queen Victoria to taste, which she then praises highly, through Ash. However, Mina, who is now glowing a dark violet with red eyes, mocks the statement, but when Harold West Jeb tries to stop her, she throws him with superhuman force.

Many more of the audience members also undergo this transformation and turn their attention to Ciel, but Sebastian stops them. The unaffected members flee the scene, while Sebastian stops Mina from attacking the queen.

Soma identifies the ailment as "curryma," a spice that responds to the darkness in people's hearts, which is the reason it is forbidden. Soma and Agni make up, and agree to stay together. Soma then orders Agni to stop Mina. Together, Sebastian and Agni take down most of the men.

Ash comments to himself that if such a spice is the problem, then no human should have escaped its effects, as no one is truly at peace with themselves. Ciel, hearing this, speculates that it is Sebastian's curry that saved the others from being affected by curryma. Sebastian force-feeds his curry bread to the victims, and they snap out of the effects of curryma.

Queen Victoria, through Ash, then declares the curry bread the winner. Agni and Soma thank Sebastian and Ciel, respectively, for teaching them so much, and Soma declares that he will travel the world.
To Be Continued

A Lie Cannot Be Hidden ForeverOnde histórias criam vida. Descubra agora