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Their Kingdom was big, flourishing and demanding of the status, also having a handsome king only increased its prestigious value. Donghyuck frowned at the sight below, his so called unwanted husband had been raised upon his rank. From servant to Kings Husband to Knight of the Moon army. Outrageously insane thought the gorgeous brunette, who would give a stupid servant boy such place in a kingdom. Exactly, his foolish mother who believed that everyone was equal. Poor thing.

"I hate him. He's very dominating." Said Donghyuck sipping his wine, he had on a lace shirt with a velvet coat over it. His hair always done to perfection.

"It's not a bad thing though......Like everyone in the kingdom know of how he has everything under control." Renjun did the final touches of his oil painting that he had been working on for the last few weeks.

"So much for being a servant. He should know his place. I'm his king." Donghyuck rolled his eyes in annoyance, he hated all this fake drama of having a husband just to be fit enough to rule a kingdom. Bullshit.

Renjun sighed, he wished his brother would behave more respectfully towards those who weren't of their title, they were humans after all. And Mark wasn't a bad guy either, he certainly was the best person he had ever met. In all his life living like a trapped bird in a cage of gold. Renjun was the former kings first wife's son, since Renjun preferably wanted to focus on being a more normal person he wasn't entirely bothered about the crown.

"Learn to love him. Perhaps that way you'd understand him more. And pe a better person." The beautiful boy sighed softly.

"Love? Are you in your right mind brother? He's a servant, he's Taeyongs love child. Literally!" The king scoffed.

"Lee Know died at war Hyuck. He was married to Taeyong. Just because Jaehyun offered to give him a new life doesn't mean he had an illegitimate child with his ex husband. Why can't you be more compassionate towards your own people? Your own husband?" The older sibling gave up on the painting, he didn't want to ruin the work of art by the stress his little brother was putting him through.

"You have a soft heart Junnie. Too soft I could squeeze it. Mark isn't royalty and that irks me. If only stupid Lucas didn't run away with another servant of course, I'd not be burdened with a man I have the least bit of respect for. He's annoying, stupid and has an annoyingly loud laugh." The King spaced the drawing room, his poise at its graceful presence.

"You need to stop looking down on people. And Mother wants you to get pregnant. You know that we are the only heirs, the quicker the grandchildren the secure the bloodline and throne." Renjun broke it out to the king who literally dropped his wine glass at the announcement.

"What the fuck is wrong with Mother?! Why does he have the wildest nightmare that I would be the one to bear the kids?! It could be Mark carrying mine instead.......no wait. In what sorcery do you think we'd even consummate this foolish bond?" That was it, Donghyuck had enough of this relationship that he had no intention of saving. He left the room with anger at the tip of his plump pink lips.

He spotted his husband come in through one of the many doors of the enormous living room, the male had come in for lunch most probably. It made the king more madder for he didn't want to sit at the same table where a servant would eat alongside of him. How dare his parents treat him so poorly?! To marry him off to a merchants son so he'd suffer A loveless life for as long as he'd live.

"Sit with us darling Wife." Marks deep gruff voice pushed the king off the edge, he wanted to dash the olders brains on his own plate of food, sadly he had to behave Infront of his father. Or else he'd be doomed for life. The audacity this servant had to call him wife.

"Shut it! Servant boy." Hissed Donghyuck as he sent his husband a stink glare.

"Renjun dear! Have you been painting again?" Doyoung, Donghyucks mother cheerfully opened his arms at his son, even though from another man the bunny like Queen loved the boy with all his heart.

"Yes mother." Renjun smiled squeezing the lovely man in a tight hug.

"You spoil him too much Doyoung. He needs to find a match soon." Kun sighed at the two, he then set his eyes on the King. Who purposely avoided serving his husband anything on his side. "It's been three months since you've been married Donghyuck. When do you plan on getting pregnant?" Asked the first mother.

"Never...... I'd never let a servant touch my body. Don't you people dare shower me with false affection. Marrying me off to a man, ill of status  does not make me happy." Donghyuck snapped, he still didn't understand why of all the princes that were present that day, his mother's decided on a servant being tied to his life.

"Behave Donghyuck. He's your mother." Mark's voice wasn't anything lovely, it laced with anger that surfaced on a dangerous level.

"I'm your king!" The brunette shouted at the older male, he was only given a if looks could kill stare as he suddenly went silent.

"He'll learn to behave your majesty. Excuse us please." Mark bowed at Kun and Doyoung as he dragged his wife to their shared room, Donghyuck was slammed on the wall, with his wrists pinned on either side of his head.

"Haven't you been punished? For being an insolent little brat? You raise your voice at anyone and you'll see the side of me you wish you never had seen." The King went mute, he said nothing as he avoided the eyes of the man who had put a ring of matrimony on his finger. They shared a relationship based upon law.

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