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"Do you love him?" Jaemin carefully collected the berries into the basket Taeyong had given him. His adopted mother.

"No. I certainly don't see any reason to love him....At all. Like he's so difficult and arrogant and rude. It's such a stressful job to work as his husband. I've never been so angry in all my life." Mark groaned as he munched on the edge of a flower stem, they were in the woods to collect herbs and fruits.

"Hatred can change to love in no time." Jaemin giggled, he was Jaehyuns son, his mother had died when he was a baby, so now these two boys were step brothers but loved eachother so dearly that they'd put the other first before themselves. "I wonder why the Queen's chose you though. There were so many others standing by. Even prince Jeno, I think he'd have made a great king." The beautiful boy smiled.

"Indeed. I couldn't agree more. But falling in love with my wife is like throttling my own neck. Anyways......Mother said that you'll be matched very soon." The older boy shaded his eyes from the sunlight.

"I wish met a good guy. Like Father. But I'm afraid of the things that might happen if we rushed alliances." Jaemin pouted, he was always the sweetheart in the village, where people trusted him and loved him for his chirpy yet awkward nature.

"I wish you find love first. Unlike me. Darling?" Mumbled the handsome dark haired male.

"Hmm?" Hummed his dear brother with that soft smile.

"Nothinggg.......We should head back home. Or else it would be too dark." They headed home hand in hand, Jaemin loved his brother beyond the horizon, beyond infinity. All he wanted was Mark to be happy. He never once gave himself preference, for in his small book of life his world revolved around his family.

They separated their ways since Mark lived at the Palace now after the fateful marriage. No one even asked for his consent nor did they think of his feelings the least. The older went inside his room and Donghyuck was changing his clothes for the day, the King literally threw a vase at him for entering without permission.

"You can let your maid see you naked but your own husband cannot? Hmm......Why? Are you physically attached to your so called.......maid. Or are you hiding something?" Those words made the king's heart drop with guilt, he might be a bitch but he wasn't the kind to have sexual relationships with his maids.

"Don't talk dirty. Know your place! All you have to do was knock on the door!" Donghyuck screamed at the man.

"It's my room. I don't Knock." Mark hissed shoving the beautiful boy on the bed with a smirk. "No body even wants you. Why are you even king?"
He shook his head in disapproval as he went about to do his own work.

"I'm King because I'm of royal birth you lowlife!" The King screamed at the man who didn't give a fuck about what the king screamed and shouted. He wasn't going to give the boy preference.

"Being king does not come from your bloodline Donghyuck, it comes from your wisdom, your experience and your heart. A man with a heart as cold as yours could never be king!" Mark snapped, he had every right to put the beauty in his place. His arrogance seemed to have lost all its lines and boundaries.

If Mark had to define his wife he'd call him a gorgeous lad, with the standards of beauty no man in the kingdom had. Often times people said he was the second most beautiful after the Chinese Queen Winwin. His eyes were such jewels, hair like the brown cascades of brown, Alas,  the beauty only gave him arrogance and pride, it made him believe there were non as perfect as him.

"Leave!" Donghyuck glared Mark when the older male stood beside him at the throne, sadly the dark haired boy didn't budge, instead he glared back at his wife.

"Your majesty!!! Oh your majesty please save my son from the evil!" A father pleaded at the King, his arms clasped together in plea. His son had been kidnapped by the Group of Bandits, also known as Stray kids. It consisted of Three men, Hyunjin, ChanBin and Bangchan. They would lift any boy or girl that comes their way.

"He must've have been a slut! That's why he was taken away. Such a insolent little brat perhaps-" Donghyucks foolish statement had been halted when Mark went down the two steps that lifted the throne on a higher elevation as he helped the old man up with a soft smile of reassurance.

"When did you last see him?" Mark asked the man carefully.

"Last night after he had finished work at the palace. He's never a bad boy. Felix is a boy full of purity. It's my bad doings that have lead to his kidnapping. Please he's all I have your majesty." The man begged.

"I'm still Mark, Mr Lee. Have they taken him instead of the money you owe them?" The boy smiled again and the father broke down crying. "I'll bring him back. I promise." He promised as he gestured the guards to take him away.

"Have you lost your fucking mind?! No king goes about digging his own grave for the sake of stupid old mans son! Are you going to bring the Kingdom down?!" Donghyuck snapped at his husband. Everyone knew how vulgar the bandits were. They were the many of them out there. It was crazy.

"I'm not King. You are. You are still sitting on your lifeless throne being a selfish bitch! Bring my horse!" Mark ordered another guard and he walked out the throne room leaving the King speechless.

"This is why I wanted him to marry my foolish son." Taeil smirked as he could see their relationship slowly start to tangle up together.

Shattered Pieces [MarkHyuck] ❤️Tahanan ng mga kuwento. Tumuklas ngayon