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"I'm your King! You'll be beheaded for this!!" Sad Donghyuck his eyes glaring fiercely, Hyunjin squatted before the gorgeous boy then took hold of his jaw rather harshly.

"These antiques won't work with me pretty boy. Can't wait to have you for dinner soon." He chuckled as he stood up to leave.

They were taken walking for hours until they reached a cave hidden behind a rock, it was dark and musty, the place smelt foul like dirt had been piled up somewhere inside. Through
Darkness they manoeuvred down to a place ignited by a bon fire, a opening had been made for the smoke to seep out, it was raining and wet but they bothered less. On one side every treasure stolen had been nearly preserved, on another side young boys and girls were chained to iron bolts. Probably for slavery or sexual businesses.

"Damn...... Who's the beauty you've got tonight?" One of their men whistled at the giant boy, he started laughing.

"He claims to be our King. He'd sell us a good amount of gold coins." Hyunjin stated, clinking wooden beer mugs and chugging down the beer.

The King actually did see the atrocities that happened behind his back, these men were free out here with no punishment and he was there in his palace living in luxury whilst the younger generation as him in his kingdom were brought here for slavery and what more? He didn't know and suddenly guilt filled his heart. That's when the sounds of hooves filled the echoing cave, under the beating ran invaded his Knights, lead by his husband. Of course, Mark knew about their lair from back then, when he saved Felix's.

"Donghyuck!" Mark rushed to him, immediately untying the tight threats from the boys wrists, he touched him everywhere to see if he was injured. "They didn't do anything to you right? Hyuckie you need to speak." He cupped his Chubby cheeks, worry and fear lacing his small cat eyes.

"Seize.......Seize this place." Was the only thing that came out of the king's mouth as Mark nodded. The raided the entire cave, saving the victims and sealing every treasure that had been stolen. The bandits would be put to the dungeons under severer treason. Donghyuck couldn't walk for he had sore feet, the dampness and hours of walking had given him. The older carried him like a bride, taking him to his horse.

"Fuck! He really was the King. No wonder he was so beautiful. Fuck you Hyunjin you ruined out lives!" Bangchan hissed as they were dragged away. The brunette remained silent the entire ride, he was taken to Marks house instead of the palace. He was weak, cold, shivering and hungry. He hadn't eaten in days.

Mark carried him to the room, making him sit on the small bed, he placed proper dry clothes next to the King. Then he set the bath for the cold boy, warm and comforting. He helped the brunette to limp to the bathroom. Upon leaving he turned around.

"Get clean, you stink. Wear these clothes for now. Remember to wash your hair." Mark sighed leaving the beauty to clean himself.

When Donghyuck came downstairs with a painful limp, Mark was smiling at Chenle, they were setting the table with soft mumblings. It seemed like they were very close. Indeed they were, compared how the older was to him.

"Sit down." Ordered the husband, Chenle served the King his food. With a smile that had no hatred on it, Donghyuck wolfed down the food, he was so hungry he was barely able to say a word.

"Markie Hyung I'll go now? Mother will be waiting for me." The adorable blonde boy bowed at the younger then hugged Marks neck from behind then slipped off, even though the band aid around his head was because of Donghyuck he still smiled at him.

"Don't walk about too much, don't wear shoes. It'll only worsen it." Mark lifted Donghyucks limb, placing it on his knee to apply the ointment the local physician prescribed him.

The King's big eyes stared at his husband, he sure came to rescue him, not letting him suffer for even two hours. He didn't beat him, actually he was treating his wounds like a........sweetheart. He looked away immediately before Mark could meet his eyes.

"Are you sleepy? I can't carry you to the room." Mark offered the king.

"I'm tired." Mumbled Donghyuck, he bit his lips when he was carried again to the small cold room. He was placed next to window that overlooked sunflower meadows.

As he let his eyes learn the patterns of the large different flowers he dozed off, falling asleep after days of not sleeping due to stubbornness. Mark brushed off the long bangs away from the gorgeous boys face, the cute mouth ajar. He suddenly looked so small like a baby bear. Tucking him into bed and making sure he was all warm the older blew the candles off, he took Jaemin's bed since his so called wife was asleep on his. It turned late noon for the tired bear to wake up, he frowned for he had cramps after sleeping in a tiny hard bed. Going downstairs slowly he saw the food from yesterday still on the table with a note.

This is all that I can provide you,
It isn't stale if you think it is.


"How can people even eat last night's food?!" Donghyuck took the plate, just as he threw it out a child came running to it and collected all the bread, she ran quickly to her little brother and mother with it.

"Little thief!" He scoffed.

"That's not theft. That's called poverty in proper English. When will you ever change Haechan? Even after been dragged away like a......slut?" Renjun came through the front door like the prince he was. The younger boy rolled his eyes at the beautiful boy.

"That's the pathetic life of that child. Not my problem." He shrugged.

Shattered Pieces [MarkHyuck] ❤️Where stories live. Discover now