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"Why would you try to kill him mother?! What did he do to you?!" Kun didn't decipher the fact that his mother who always painted a sweetheart picture turned out to be a wicked witch on the inside.

"Because he doesn't deserve the crown or the throne he sits on. That child was never in line to the throne, your children should be the rulers not Doyoung's. Mark is most probably already dead, now all I have to do is kill Donghyuck, make Renjun take over the kingdom and poison his mind." Beatrice smirked doing her thing as if she were un-bothered and happy.

"Mother.......He loves him. Why are so obsessed with power?! Renjun doesn't even want to be king, stop dragging innocent people into your ulterior motives!!" Kun wasn't going to let his mother do as she planned, Beatrice just smiled for she knew her son knew nothing about the palace. Or so she thought.

"Oh dear son. You are too good, you took after your father, disgusting good that's why I killed him. Think Kun, Taeil never gave you another child, Why? Because he doesn't love you. He wants Doyoung's children to take the throne. I won't let that happen. I wanted Donghyuck to be driven crazy but alas, he's getting stronger. Mark must have died watching his dear darling wife suffer." She started laughing so much she had to wipe her tears. She left Kun to ponder on the mistreatment he had faced as a Queen. Instead Kun left the Palace with Doyoung in search of a certain someone.

"Hendery?" He banged on the Eastern part of the Palace, as the boy open the door to half asleep.

"Mother?" He seemed confused for they never visited him without a reason.

"Have you found Mark? Atleast any trace of the boy?" Kun mumbled behind closed doors.

"Nothing. Nothing at all mother. I've combed every inch of the Kingdom but found no trace of Mark. I'm afraid someone must have killed him to avenge on Hyuck.

The Queen related the story they had just found out to the boy, Hendery was flabbergasted at the unveiling of own grandmother. Taeil had made sure he was raised as a knight for he knew of the woman's vicious activities, though he never knew his daughter died at her hands he wanted  atleast one child of Kun to live a normal life. For after Irene was dead Hendery was seperated from his brothers for safety, he wasn't in line to the throne since he was born an year before Renjun did, by that time his sister was the crowned princess. Renjun remembered him but Donghyuck didn't for he was too small back then.

"Are you sure he hasn't fled the Kingdom after ravishing your body? I heard he was very hungry lately." Beatrice found her grandson, the King in his room, desolate and empty looking.

"He's not like that grandma. He would never." Donghyuck retorted shaking his head with a sigh, his mind a spiral of questions as to why his room reeked of blood. Nevertheless his heart was failing for he was in severe pain of loss and yearning.

"You are way too naive my boy. Perhaps he's fled Korea and runaway. Have you checked your Gold? We must see if he's stolen anything before fleeing." She came dangerously closer to the king who seemed occupied by his thoughts that he didn't notice her presence lingering closer. A weak Mark tried to lift his fingers to bang on the glass yet he failed for he lost too much blood on his head.

Chenle gasped when he saw Grandmother throttle Donghyuck, catching the King by surprise. He rushed to Renjun, trying his best to be careful whilst running for he was heavily pregnant. The boy sat painting unaware of his dear brothers life at stake. Of course he was concerned he just needed a stress relief, they've been searching for the dark haired boy but found not a sign.

"Junnie......Junnie!!! Grandma.....Ahh! Grandma is throttling the King!" Chenle screamed at Renjun, the paint brush fell splattering on the floor. Without another word he ran towards his brothers chambers, he trusted his lover with his life and boy was his wife right.

"Grandma!! Let him go!!! Father!!! Guards!!" Renjun started pulling the woman away from Donghyucks neck, the brunette was choking, his face turning a slight shade of blue at the tight hold.

"I'm doing this for your own good my dear." Beatrice hissed at the prince, Renjun successfully yanked her away as he hugged Donghyuck tightly.

"You fool! Why would you safe him? He's sitting on your throne!" She glared, Renjun glared back at his grandmother.

"I don't want the fucking throne. My brother Donghyuck will always be King!! Guards!!" Screamed Renjun again.

"You.......You did something to my husband didn't you?!" Donghyuck whimpered, tears dropped down his cheeks. "You took him away didn't you?! You tried to kill us!!" He cried out.

"He's dead and so will you he soon. I'll kill you too." Beatrice started laughing  as she dragged Chenle out from behind the door where he was hiding and threatened to smash his baby bump on the table so Renjun would let go of the King. Donghyuck deliberately detached himself of his brother.

"Mother!!" Kun's voice halted Beatrice's actions as the Queen stood with the knights behind him. Hendery  led the group as the blocked the entrance of the King's quarters.

"Ohh Kun. Lend me your sword my dear." The fool expected her son to side with her but he wasn't born with her qualities.

"Destroy that mirror!" Kun ordered.

"Yes Mother." Bowed Hendery as the knights started smashing the Mirror down. Donghyuck squeezed his eyes at the thousands of splinters shattering around them.

"Capture Lady Beatrice and throw into the dungeons!" Doyoung gave the rest of the knight their orders, as those gorgeous honey brown eyes witnessed his husband withered body behind the shards of the broken mirror. His heart stopped.

Shattered Pieces [MarkHyuck] ❤️Where stories live. Discover now