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"What are you doing! It's creepy!" Donghyuck pouted at Mark for staring at him like a hungry lion the first thing in the morning.

"You are such a turn on.......Come here." Mark curled his fingers at his beautiful wife, Donghyuck bit his lips, messy hair, bare body, that dirty smirk he wore every time he had lust laced on his small eyes like a mascara.

"What?!" Donghyuck crossed his arms over his chest as he looked away.

"Xiaojun wanted me to join him for fishing. So Jeno, Jaemin and I are going. Since you have meetings, I'm going to have fun." Mark whispered into Donghyuck's ears making him tense up. Not Xiaojun again!!!

"Don't go. It's an order from the King!" Donghyuck frowned at Mark, he was getting so tensed the older enjoyed the jealousy on his cute wifes big honey brown eyes.

"Well I don't listen to the King. I'll see you around your majesty." Winking Mark tried to kiss those thick lips but teased him and went without kissing the boy.

Donghyuck growled when he saw Xiaojun clinging onto Mark like his life depended on it. They were so close it made the gorgeous boy angry, sadly he had a meeting to attend too. He hardly concentrated on the meeting for he was afraid Mark would fall in love with Xiaojun instead of him.

"Mark! Look your wife is here to spy on you." Jeno winked at Mark from around the rocks.

"He's fucking cute when he's jealous." Chuckled Mark with a grin.

"Xiao kiss Mark!" Jaemin screamed and just as Donghyuck came into their vicinity, Xiaojun clasped Marks cheeks and slanted the heads in pretence to be kissing. Which in reality they weren't for they were cousins and it was incest to kiss your cousin.

Donghyucks eyes started welling up, he wiped his cheeks aggressively,sadly when he tried to run he slipped falling into the running river that flowed down. Mark immediately rushed to save his wife, the river was dangerous on this specific part because of the rocks at each place.

"Donghyuck!!" Mark screamed above the water but the king was no where to be seen.

"Mark hurry!! It's a waterfall!!" Xiaojun screamed feeling guilty for taking a play too far.

Donghyucks heart stopped when he bobbed up to see the end so close, he squeezed his eyes shut, thinking he was done. It all happened so fast it was hard to register everything that was happening in his mind. Donghyuck!!! That voice made him hold onto a rock, he could see Mark coming with the currents, risking his own life to the brunette.

"Give me your hand!!" Mark reached out his own as he tried to grab the stubby shivering out stretched arm of his wife.

"I'm scard!!" Donghyuck cried out loud, his arms slipped off, his body been taken away by the water. Mark caught his arm just in time, pulling him close to his body, but it was hard to swim back since it was a waterfall and the pressure was too fast.

"Baby hold onto me tightly okay? We have to fall off the waterfall. Don't let go my neck." Mark mumbled kissing the shuddering body's forehead as he left the rock he was holding.

The blood curdling scream of Donghyuck resonated through the forest, birds and crows were scared away with a loud splash. The younger hugged his husband tightly afraid that he might die. Before Mark could swim  to the surface the brunette blacked out underwater. He swarm up the current in great strength and collosal amount of energy that it tired him out for he had to carry a motionless little bear with him.

"Am I dead?" Was the first thing Donghyuck asked when he woke up, Mark was at a fair distance. It was dark with only a crackling fire that kept them both warm.

"No. Come closer, you are shivering." Said Mark.

"Fuck off! How can you kiss someone else?! I'm your wife! You said you loved me, you have just let me di-" Mark yanked him close to his body, their eyes staring at eachother.

"Xiaojun is my cousin. We did not kiss, it was just an act you make you jealous. I love you little Haechan. I really do, and I can't imagine a life without you so shut the fuck up." Mark hissed, Haechan pouted then looked away embarrassed. The older had several scratches and bruises which only made him look hotter than he already was.

"Oh.......I love you too idiot servant boy. Trapping me in your fingers. Let's go home!" A shy kiss was given on Marks cheek, the older smiled wrapping his arms around the younger.

"We can't find our way back in the dark, so we'll have to go home in the morning. Also by the way you are wet and soaking, you pink cute nipples are  so visible like candy......." Mark started making the brunette gasp covering his nipples with a pout.

"Pervert! How can you think of my nipples when it's freezing cold, an annoying waterfall is disturbing my peace and urghhh. You fucking asshole. Let's go away from here." Donghyuck groaned, Mark chuckled as he nodded and they left the waterfall cave, it only made them wetter as they tried to find a way back home.

"Baby we would just get into trouble if we continue to maneuver through the dark. Let's rest up this tree and head back home when the sun is out. Hmm?" Mark helped his wife up a huge tree so they could cuddle up and rest.

"It's so cold!" Haechans teeth started clattering. Mark gave him his coat as they hugged eachother tight for warmth.

"I can make you feel super hot though." Mark whispered into his wife's doll like ears as he got a elbow Stab in the stomach. Donghyuck was in in-between the olders legs as Mark rested his back on the truck of the tree.

"Pervert!" Donghyuck grumbled but blushed dark.

Shattered Pieces [MarkHyuck] ❤️Where stories live. Discover now