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Jaemin squealed at Mark when the older bought him a bunch of roses on his way back after saving Felix. The bunny like boy was just a year younger but behaved like a child at times. He threw himself on the handsome well dressed man.

"Thank you darling!!" Jaemin kissed Marks cheek then hugged Felix tight since he looked pretty shaken after the kidnapped.

"Thanks man. I thought they'd literally have me for dinner....... Like- I'm going home. Thank you so much Mark. I'll never forget this." Felix gave him a small nod before he jogged to the direction of his house on the left of the cobble street.

"Thinking about it.......I think you'd make a better King." Jaemin Wiggled his eyebrows. "Mom's making your favourite dish and cutting watermelon for dinner." Watermelon was a word that would make Mark even retrieve from war. He nodded as he let his brother drag him away home.

Donghyuck stared at the scene from the drawing room window, in pure disgust. He hated the fact that his servant had the audacity to go against his words and bring home that peasant that would have been better off at the bandits than here at his kingdom. It made his blood boil at the very sight of Mark Lee.

"Young master your tea." Chenle came inside the drawing room, a place where the brothers always hung out. Renjun nodded, being the nicest prince apart from his bitchy brother.

"Your majesty......" Chenle extended Donghyucks tea but as he turned around he accidentally dropped the tea on the King's shirt.

A tight slap was given the younger boy, Chenle fell to the ground with a thud. Renjun immediately rushed to the maids the aid worried sick for the sweet boy who only smiled and shook his head even though his eyes were brimming with tears.

"Haechan!! He's just a boy!" Renjun was angry, Donghyuck rolled his eyes at his brother.

"He's a fucking maid. Treat them as they are brother. Or else they'll try to feed off you." The king left the room with his head held high, he stepped on Chenle's fingers as he left. How can he be so uncompassionate? It was a question no one understood.

"Come here. Sit." Renjun made Chenle sit on the edge of couch so he can tend to his arm and bruised cheek. One thing that the older prince despised to see was his maid in pain. He stared at the beautiful boy sniffling, not daring to look up at his eyes.

"Seriously brother?" Donghyuck came back to get something from the room and was taken aback by the situation his brother was with his lowlife maid. He shoved Chenle from the couch, he started dragging the poor boy outside.

Meanwhile Mark came home with smiles warm from home, Taeyong and Jaehyun were having a baby and he couldn't be happier. Finally after years they finally decided to have a baby if their own. The boys would certainly spoil the child to pieces. He came Infront of Donghyuck who seemed to give a maid a hard time.

"Let him go." Marks smile faded at the younger.

"Mind your own fucking business." Donghyuck seethed at his husband but Mark folded his arm behind his own back just like how he had the maids arm folded backwards.

"Ahh!! How dare you Ahhh let me go!"  Cried the King, the higher Mark lifted his arm he eventually let go of Chenle's small arm.

"If it hurts you then it hurts another person aswell. Why did you slap him?" The stubborn male didn't utter a hum instead he cursed the older with all his heart. Mark let go of the king's arm then gave Donghyuck a tight slap which shocked Renjun. "You hurt anyone physically or mentally here on I'll do the same to you. To see if you know how pain feels like." The older snapped pulling the King to wherever he felt the need to take the bitch to.

"Chenle are you alright?" Renjun whispered softly lifting the boys chin higher.

"It hurts....." Chenle sniffled as he finally looked into those Gorgeous orbs of his master.

"I'm sorry on behalf of the king." Mumbled the prince, caressing the chubby cheek of the beautiful maid.

Donghyuck grunted when he was pushed against the wall of his mother's gazebo. He wanted to literally murder this man before him, for lifting his arm at him. How dare he do that?! What right did Mark have?!

"Are you sure you are King Moons son? Because as far as I know your mother and father are both nice people. Especially your grandmother is a darling. And I can't fathom that a bitch like you were even born. It's still unclear." Mark spat at the King, did it really matter to the brunette though? No because he didn't pay attention to anyone or anything but himself.

"Don't break your head, atleast I have a proper birth. Unlike you......Love child." The younger scoffed.

"Exactly.......I was born for love. When my parents made love, unlike yours. They just had sex to have a child, the burden you are today. When they had Renjun it must have been for love, that's why he's such a sweetheart." Mark smirked at the gorgeous male, it didn't affect him for he knew he was born for love and he was proud of it. His mother was married when he conceived him. There was nothing to be ashamed of.

"Fuck off! I hate you!" Donghyuck frustratedly screamed at the male Infront of himself in all his prideful glory.

"I loath you Donghyuck. Your presence makes me so disgusted that I regret that I ever was present on the day you were left at the altar. I was forced to marry an unwanted abandoned bride. I hate it that I was made to eat the scraps of a leftover dinner plate!" Mark grimaced at the king, he looked away from Donghyucks eyes.

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