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Nothing had the power to break Donghyuck, no matter how much Mark tried to be mean to him the boy did as he pleased. He'd starve for days, for he knew Mark wasn't the kind to let him suffer to a point he'd die. But this time the older didn't bring him food or show any kind of compassion. It had been four days, the olders family returned yesterday, sadly the arrogant boy didn't want touch their food. Haughty much.

"Eat something sweety." Taeyong sighed at the King curling himself on the corner of the bed.

"Fuck off! I don't want the left overs that you steal from the palace. The audacity to offer them to me." Donghyuck snapped at Taeyong, the beautiful me was five months pregnant, tired and overworked. He was used to it though.

"These are made with the money Jaehyun brings your Highness. Please eat something. This is what we can provid-" He pushed the plate away resulting in the food clattering away. He then stood up to slap Taeyong when an arm held his.

Mark slapped Donghyuck harshly that the boy got shoved on the floor. He made him kneel before his mother, Taeyong shook his head crying, he held his baby bump with soft whimpers. It wasn't nice to treat people so bad.

"Say you're sorry!! He's my mother and your mother in law you wench! How dare you raise your hand at my mother?!" Mark folded the hand that was lifted to slap Taeyong so hard behind Donghyuck, he cried out in pain.

"Son stop it!! You aren't him! Please. It's pointless!" Taeyong grabbed his son's shirt.

"Say you're sorry or I'll beat you until you say sorry." Mark kept folding the boys arm, he was afraid he might break it for Donghyuck was a stubborn bitch. He didn't move his lips, then again neither did his husband stop his act.

"I'm sorry!!!" Donghyuck apologized with a painful whimper. His arm was let gone and Taeyong left the room.
"I'll kill you myself one day. I hate you!! Abusive wretch!" A tight slap followed the youngers already bruised chubby cheek.

"I'd prefer you being dead. What's the point of having a son who doesn't even respect a mother who is pregnant. You disgust me Donghyuck. I regret being in close quarters with you." Mark spat at the beauty, he grimaced at him and pushed him away as he went downstairs.

The night on days when Jaehyun would make candles were the best days. Where they'd sit around him as they'd sing and laugh with happiness. Donghyuck stood upstairs with a frown, Mark's laugher resonated through the room, Chenle was there too, a few others as well whom he didn't know. The bunny like boy was the one being way too close to his husband.

"Come join us Baby." The word baby nipped at his cold heart, he gingerly went downstairs, kicking Jaemin away from Mark as he sat next to the handsome man.

"Careful you'd burn yourself!" Jaehyuns deep voice made the younger nod and push himself away from the flame.

"Hyung!! Look what I made!" A boy showed a cat candle.

"You are obsessed with Leon and Louis, Yang Yang." Chenle giggled at the other blondie.

"I made Bella!" Another proudly stated.

"Xiao Hyung that's amazing!!!" Chenle squealed happily. They were his older brothers.

"Here......Be careful. Don't burn yourself." Marks soft voice churned the king's heart again, he looked like a lost Bear when his husband guided his stubby arms to the candle tensile.
"I'm sorry about your cheek but what you did was wrong." Said he looked up, their faces inches apart, the distant gold flames glowing on their cheeks.

"Ahemm!! Don't kiss in from my innocent eyes!!" Chenle screamed with his dolphin laughter. For the first time, Donghyucks chubby cheeks flared a dark crimson. He looked away as the older chuckled going back to doing his work.

"Children!!! Dinner is ready!!" Taeyong's motherly voice sounded, everyone ran to the small confined table, taking their seats.

The King felt left out, uncalled for and ignored. He followed them meekly, there wasn't a place left for him to sit so he tried to leave. A warm arm held his bruised wrist and guided him to a chair. It was Taeyong, how can he be so sweet to him after what he had done?

"No mother. He can sit with me." Said Mark patting his lap, the king quizzically eyed his husband, he was yanked by the waist as he plopped on Marks Lap.

Everyone sat together, laughter and cheer filled the table that had very little but enough for all. Marks arm rested on his waist, it felt strange yet a weird sort of comfort. When the older offered to feed him a morsel he bit his lips yet opened it. Surprisingly it tasted like heaven.

"So there's this guy who is also a knight. And Yang and I have a massive crush on him!!!" Yang clutched his heart dramatically.

"Does he know you guys love him?" Jaehyun teased the twins.

"Probably not!! No one knows we exist!" Jaemin giggled, Donghyuck then looked at the bunny like boy, his big orbs trailing the cozy family. Neither did the villages know the king. Did they?

"Isn't he like the fifth crush already?" Laughed out Donghyucks man, pulling him higher because he seemed slip off his lap.

"Sush! You aren't supposed to tell anybody. Hyung!!" Lele playfully slapped Mark.

"I want to sleep." Donghyuck mumbled going to bed, he didn't feel good that night. Since the family had returned, Jaemin went back to his bed, resulting in Mark having no place to sleep. Chenle was staying over with his brothers so the only option was for male to join his wife on the small bed.

It was a small house but it was happier than the enormous palace. The soft giggles filling the room because the boys were tickling eachother, the warmth of been huddled together. It all felt.......Different, it made Donghyuck feel lonely even though he was king and was rich.

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