7. Swellview's Night Gang-pt.2

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The next day at school was pretty normal. They had Spanish lesson and the teacher was writing something on the whiteboard.-"Why do I have to study Spanish?"-Ally mumbled.-"I don't know why am I studying it."-Henry mumbled.

"Okay, now."-the teacher turned to the class-"I wrote some sentences on the whiteboard and I will choose someone to translate it and give him a grade."-the teacher said with his Spanish accent.

"Bet that he'll choose me?"-Ally whispered to Henry.-"Roberts! Come here and translate it!"-the teacher said before Henry could answer.-"Why always me!?"-Ally said.-"Because I choose you, Roberts. Now come here or I'll give you an F."-the teacher said and Ally rolled her eyes.

She stood up and walked to the whiteboard.-"Let's see how are you going to translate this."-the teacher looked at her with an evil smile. Ally smirked and turned to the whiteboard. She red the sentences and turned back to teacher.

"What is it, Roberts? You don't know how to translate it?"-the teacher asked Ally.-"You used words and expressions we didn't learn."-Ally said.-"So you don't know to translate them this time?"-the teacher smiled evilly.-"Oh, no. I know."-Ally nodded.-"Then what are you waiting for?"-the teacher said and Ally translated every single sentence correctly.

"Very well, Roberts. How did you know to translate this?"-the teacher asked disappointed.-"Oh, I study and know it. But what if happened for you to choose, for example, Jasper. He wouldn't know and he'd get a bad grade because you used expressions we never learned. Wouldn't it be unfair?"-Ally smiled sarcastically.

"She's crazy."-Jasper whispered to Henry and laughed.-"I know."-Henry laughed.-"You don't have an answer? Well, let me answer the question. You wouldn't choose Jasper because you know that we didn't learn this and that's the reason you chose me. You want me to fail Spanish."-Ally said and the whole class was looking at her confused and shocked.

"Listen to me, Miss. I know everything, you can't know more than me! Do you understand that? And you never know but maybe in one moment you'll fail Spanish."-"Yeah... but, let me tell you something, it will never happen because how much I hate Spanish, I will always learn it. Just remember that."-Ally smiled and walked back to her place.

Before she sat down, she threw one of her low twin braids behind her back and once more smiled at the teacher. The whole class was looking at her in shock and Henry was laughing. The teacher ran his fingers over his mustache and kept quiet.

"Now you can continue with your class. Also, you have to give me a grade, the best one, because I translated everything correct."-Ally smiled ironically and the whole class went crazy.-"You're crazy."-Henry was laughing so hard that he couldn't sit as it belongs. Ally was smiling and looking at the teacher who didn't know what to say.-

Class dismissed, you can go home."-the teacher mumbled and sat back by his desk.-"But we have 25 more minutes."-Ally said and pointing at the clock on the wall. The whole class started laughing again.-"Just go home!"-the teacher yelled and they all left the classroom.

"Thank you, Ally!"-one of the boys yelled when they left the classroom.-"You'll get in big trouble one day if you keep saying everything what's on your mind."-Henry laughed.-"No, because I always know what to say. And I don't say everything what's on my mind, people would know too much."-Ally smiled.

"He'll never mess with you again."-Jasper said laughing.-"At first, I thought that he's to me like this because I'm new, but this went too far."-Ally said while they were leaving the school.-"He's mean only to you."-Jasper said.-"Yeah, I can see that."-Ally said sarcastically.

"Hi Ray!"-they yelled when they walked out the elevator.-"Hey guys."-Ray said walking to them.-"Any news about the lost kids?"-Henry asked.-"No."-Ray sighed.-"What are we going to do? There are already 13 missing kids, and we don't know what is going to happen tonight."-Ally said sitting down.

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